Tripping (Iced #2) - Kristine Allen Page 0,54

and dropped his head back.

“Because your bed is like sleeping in a toddler bed.”

At his expression and response, I laughed my ass off. He looked like the child I’d spoken to him like. Rising slightly onto my toes, I kissed his pouting mouth. “Just don’t stretch out. You can snuggle around me.”

A roguish grin crossed his face. “I’d do that anyway.”

“Then what are we waiting for?”

“Not a damn thing,” he said as he carefully moved me out of the way to open my door. It was the little things he did that made me realize what a wonderful person he was. Even in my tipsy haze, I could recognize his qualities. He was not at all what I’d initially thought.

Once he had me settled, he went to his side of the vehicle and climbed in. It still surprised me that his frame fit in the sports car. Appreciating the view, I watched him as he drove to my house. Every time he shifted, the muscles in his forearm moved sensually under his skin. It was insanely the sexiest thing I’d ever seen, but that could’ve been the happy glow the drinks had given me.

The arm holding the wheel was tattooed from shoulder to wrist, and I found it fascinating. I’d lost track of how many times I’d traced them already. The sleeve spread up to encompass the top of his left pec. It was sexy as hell, which surprised me. I’d never been one for tattoos on a guy.

The muscles moving under those tattoos might’ve been the sexiest thing ever.

He pulled up out front and helped me out of the vehicle. Before we went into the house, he paused. “I’ve been thinking on the way here.”

“Uh-oh, that’s scary,” I teased. He growled playfully and bit along my neck, causing me to giggle.

Then he drew back and tucked his lip in his teeth as he met my gaze in the dimly lit yard. Finally, he said, “Come with me for the road trip. We fly out late on Wednesday, but I can fly you in on the thirteenth for the first game that night. We’re off the fourteenth, so we could go out to dinner. We’ll be back Monday morning.”

“What? I can’t.” My instant reaction was one of shock. No way could I fly to Canada on a whim. Things like that were expensive.

“Why not?”

“Why not? Because I don’t have that kind of money, Cameron. And I have lessons.” He frowned and considered my reply for a moment. My muddled brain was trying to focus on all the details.

“Do you have a passport?” he asked like he hadn’t heard anything I’d said.

“Yes, I have a passport, but that’s not the point. I told you I can’t afford to go, and I have obligations.”

He sighed in relief.

“If it’s just the money, I’ll cover it. You’re my girlfriend. You wouldn’t have to pay for it. I would.” I stared at him like he was crazy. A man so sweet and smart couldn’t really be that clueless, could he?

“It’s not about the money. I mean, yes, that’s part of it, but I have lessons. Those kids count on me. Music is something they love. The after-school lessons I give don’t pay me. Those are for the kids that can’t afford private lessons. The ones I have Saturday mornings are extra money for me, but those kids count on me as well. Not to mention, I don’t know if I could get the time off on such short notice.” He continued to frown through my explanation.

“I could sweet talk your boss. Offer to make a donation to the music program. Come on, it’s Valentine’s Day weekend,” he said with an oblivious and cajoling grin. It was like he hadn’t listened to a word I’d said.

“Cameron!” I disentangled myself from his embrace as I sobered slightly. Emphasis on slightly. “You can’t do that. You can’t just step in and buy everything and everyone you want. Everything isn’t about the almighty dollar!”

Though in the back of my mind I knew I was blowing the situation out of proportion, I was starting to get pissed. To top it off, I was tired and irritable. Looking back, I think there was also a bit of transference due to my past experiences.

“I’m not saying it is, but if I want to treat my girlfriend and I can afford to spoil her, why shouldn’t I?” He crossed his arms over his chest belligerently.

“Ugh! This is exactly what I was afraid would Copyright 2016 - 2024