Tripping (Iced #2) - Kristine Allen Page 0,52

it was true.

“Are you serious right now? Of course I don’t. At least not that I’m aware of—I can promise you.” I may have been a bit of a man whore, but I was always very careful. Maybe it was paranoia, but I used to carry a small tube of spermicide lube with my condoms when we traveled. I also had it in my bedside table. I didn’t trust condoms, nor a chick telling me she was protected. Come to think of it, Bleu had been the first one that I hadn’t worried about.

She watched me with a measured gaze before she seemed to accept my answer as the truth. “Okay. But you have to admit that was really odd. You and Isak look nothing alike. How would he mistake you for him? And how would he know if a baby is going to be good at hockey—or even play, for that matter? That child couldn’t have been more than six months old.”

“No clue, babe. No clue,” I said.

We reached the Dog, and I had to park about a block away because the little dive bar was obviously hopping. Not that I minded, because it gave me a chance to be alone with Bleu in the quiet. The night was mild, and she looked cute in her MacGregor jersey and matching Chucks.

Suddenly, I didn’t want to go inside. I wanted to go straight home and strip those cute clothes off her gorgeous body.

“If You Ever Come Back”—The Script

“Do you want kids someday?” His question caught me off-guard, and I chuckled nervously.

“Why? Are we having a baby next month?”

Was it my imagination? Maybe a trick of the dim streetlights? Or did his cheeks get red?

“Just wondering after what Ogun said. I realized we’d never discussed kids,” he muttered, and I had mercy on him.

“Yes. Yes, I do want children. I always said four, but thinking about it, I’d be happy with whatever I was blessed with.”

He nodded.


He shrugged as he ducked his head. “Are you sure you want to go in?” he asked. His sudden change of subject damn near gave me whiplash. He’d been excited about having a drink with his teammates. We didn’t plan on staying long because I had to work in the morning.

“We’re not staying long, right?”


“Then let’s go in,” I said with a smile before I stood on my tiptoes and kissed his cheek. Under the streetlamp outside a cozy little hole-in-the-wall bar, I breathed him in and realized how incredibly happy I was. It was on the tip of my tongue to tell him how I felt about him, but I wasn’t sure if it was too early for that. We’d only known each other about two months and been dating much less than that.

As he opened the door and I stepped past him, he wrapped his arm around me and pulled me in for a chaste but lingering kiss. When it ended, he opened his mouth as if he was going to say something, then stopped and led us inside.

“What took you so long?” Jordan called out to him as we approached the group. They were in a back room that was right past the table Sergio and I had been sitting at the first night Cameron had joined us. The night I’d fallen on him. Hell, it might’ve been the night I fell for him, because my emotions had been tangled up since then.

There was a velvet rope like in the old theaters that Cameron lifted for us to enter. A burly bouncer was at the end of the bar and gave us a chin lift. Obviously he recognized Cameron, otherwise I imagined we would’ve been hauled out of there faster than we could blink.

Before I knew it, I had a drink in my hand and Cameron’s arm slung over my shoulder. He had me tucked in tight to his side as they shared events from the game and laughed over old memories. It was like a big family.

Kira turned out to be a sweetheart, though her husband was a tad scary. He seemed to watch everything and everyone all night. I’d be willing to bet he didn’t miss a single thing and could tell one where every person was at any given time. He had that kind of presence.

The laughter grew louder and the jokes bawdier the more alcohol that was consumed. Cameron and the guys, I noted, only had a beer each, but us girls were getting a little wild.

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