Tripping (Iced #2) - Kristine Allen Page 0,16

at the way that sounded.

“Wait. I don’t understand. You said he wouldn’t get in your pants, but you already brought him home?” Crimson’s eyes were gigantic.

“I didn’t sleep with the man!” I shouted in frustration. Then I hung my head because I knew I looked and sounded like an irrational lunatic.

Sergio snorted, and my sister’s gaze bounced back and forth between us.

“I’m so confused,” she muttered. “So you did or didn’t sleep with him?”

“I didn’t.”

“Did,” argues Sergio.

“We slept in the same bed, but nothing happened,” I growled.

“I thought you said he was a douche. From where I’m sitting, the guy is gorgeous, didn’t take advantage of you when he could, is probably loaded, and he’s chasing you. I don’t understand what’s wrong with him—he seems perfect,” she said as she gave me a puzzled grimace.

“Oh, it gets better.” Sergio’s smug look had me dropping back on the couch and rolling my eyes to the ceiling.

“What could possibly get better about this? He seems like a dream come true. Bleu isn’t interested, but can you introduce me to him?” My sister gave an incredulous chuckle, but my hackles rose at her asking to meet Cameron.

“See! Right there!” my best friend squealed as he pointed at me and literally jumped up and down.

“What?” I grunted as my sister shook her head again.

“What she isn’t admitting is that she does find him attractive, it drives her crazy when he’s out of town, wondering if he’s got some puck bunny in his bed, and she does like him—”

“I do not!” I tried to argue.

“Liar,” Sergio whispered, pursing his lips smugly.

“Ugh! It’s my love life. Stay out of it, Sergio,” I said with a sigh. A headache was building, and I closed my eyes.

“Bleu,” my sister began softly. “Look at me.”

Feeling bad for acting like a big baby that was cutting off her nose to spite her face, I peeked one eye at her.

“I don’t know what exactly happened between you and the hockey player before, but that had to be almost six years ago. Don’t you think it’s unfair to judge this Cameron guy by another’s actions simply because of his occupation? I’m disappointed in you if that’s what you’re doing. If you had told me you didn’t like him, or there was no attraction, I could understand. Yet Sergio says you do find him attractive or at least have some interest, and I’m inclined to believe him. I think it might be time to let go of the past before you lose out on the chance at something that could be amazing.” My sister studied me after she quit talking.

I hated that she could be right. Cameron was off-the-charts hot. Though he was cocky, he really did seem like a nice guy. Not to mention, he made me laugh when I didn’t think I could. He spent nights that he could’ve been out with his friends watching scary movies with me. He brought me food so I had something healthy to eat after a long day of school, then lessons.

I’d also really enjoyed our conversations, and the text message banter was something I looked forward to whether I admitted it out loud or not.

“He did offer me tickets to the home game tomorrow,” I admitted.

“He what?” Crimson and Sergio demanded in unison.

“He said he’d have tickets for me if I wanted them. Then he actually texted them to me,” I admitted with a wrinkled nose.

“Oh sweet Jesus,” Sergio said as he fanned himself. “And I have to go down to San Antonio tomorrow. My parents wanted to attend the game, so I decided to go visit Tony.” Tony was his on-again-off-again boyfriend. When Tony had moved to San Antonio, they had decided to not do long-distance. It lasted for a few months, then they went back and forth as to whether it could work out.

“Do you want to go?” I asked Crimson. Part of me didn’t want to bring her. Though I loved her, in the past, when guys who were interested in me met my sister, I faded into the background. Not that it was her fault she was stunning. She didn’t flirt with them or act inappropriately in any way. She was simply a beautiful, fascinating, and amazing person.

“I actually have a date tomorrow. But I bet you could convince Jett to go,” she said with a wry grin. She was teasing because we both knew our little brother was crazy about any sport. “Then it’s settled. You’re going to the Copyright 2016 - 2024