Tripping (Iced #2) - Kristine Allen Page 0,15

make myself leave.

“O. M. G. Girl, that man was on fire tonight!” Sergio said breathlessly. “What a game!”

He wasn’t lying. Cameron had been a force—along with the rest of the team. He’d finished the last ten-seconds of the game with a hat trick, and the crowd had booed as we squealed. Yes, I’d gotten sucked in.

“Sis, you have to admit that was an exciting game,” Crimson demanded with a huge smile. I rolled my eyes, but laughter still escaped me.

“Okay, it might’ve been a good game,” I admitted.

“Bleu, if you don’t give that man a chance, I’m gonna have to unfriend you.” Sergio pursed his lips as he raised a brow and cocked his hip.

“You’d stop being my friend because I won’t go out with Cameron McGregor?” I asked in shock.

My friend rolled his eyes away from me and bobbed his head back and forth in an avoidant manner. “Well, on Facebook.”

I snorted a laugh.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold up. That’s the guy?” My sister cut in with wide eyes and a gaping mouth. I’d told her there was a guy that had been asking me out. I’d told her he was a jock but neglected to mention he was an NHL player.

With a wrinkled nose, I shrugged apologetically. “I’m sorry? I mean, he seems nice, but I’m not wasting my time on a guy that probably wants in my pants because I’m a challenge.”

“Has he tried? In over a month of knowing him, has he tried anything outside of the ‘friends’ BS you agreed to?” Sergio questioned with the judgiest glare. Okay, maybe that wasn’t a real word, but it sure as hell fit the way he was looking at me.

It burned that he was right. Not only because he was right, but because it was starting to bother me a little that Cam really hadn’t tried a single thing. In over a month. Not a lewd comment. Not a leer at my tits. Not an “accidental” brush.


I grunted in response.

“Then how do you know that? Especially if he hasn’t made one single move and you won’t go out with him?” Sergio asked.

“I did go out with him!”

“Once—then you basically blew him off. Well, you might as well have. You friend-zoned him. You know how I feel about him, and yet I magnanimously stepped back when he showed interest in you. Despite my sacrifice, you’re throwing away the incredible opportunity that has landed in your lap.” Sergio crossed his arms over his chest.

“Technically, I landed in his lap before he was in mine.” I giggled. That earned me a frustrated eye roll from my best friend.

“Bleu! Not only is the guy hot, he’s a professional hockey player! I bet he’s a beast in the sheets!” Crimson leaned forward as she pointed at the TV that Cameron was no longer being broadcasted on.

“Oh my God! Well, they tend to be, but they’re still arrogant, cocky, self-absorbed assholes!” I threw my arm out and waved my hand around.

My sister paused and stared at me with narrowed eyes. “Wait a minute. How would you know if nothing happened with him like you said. Did you lie to me?”

“Of course not!”

“Then I repeat—how would you know?”

My shoulders slumped, and I heaved a heavy sigh. “Because I dated one in college.”

“An NHL player?” she shrieked.

“She wishes,” muttered Sergio with a snicker.

I rolled my eyes at him. “No, he was in college. I was a freshman, he was a senior. It didn’t work out,” I explained as I glossed over the story. There was no way I wanted to live that horrific night again. No, thanks.

“How long did you date this guy?” my sister asked suspiciously. Her blue eyes locked on mine as she waited, and I shifted uncomfortably in my seat.

“Not long,” I hedged.

“Bullshit!” Sergio coughed out, causing me to roll my eyes at his inability to keep his damn mouth shut.

“Oh my God! What is wrong with you? Is nothing sacred anymore? Can I have no secrets?” I palmed my face.

“She dated him the entire second semester,” my best friend so helpfully supplied. I dropped my hand to glare at him.

“Bleu! Why didn’t you ever tell me?” My sister’s jaw dropped.

“Because it didn’t work out. It was a time I’d rather not remember. So on that note, moving on!” I said loudly.

“Has this Cameron guy been a dick to you?” Crimson questioned, making me want to chuckle at her protective expression.

“Please….” Sergio scoffed. “He took her home the first night she met him.”

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