Tripping (Iced #2) - Kristine Allen Page 0,17

game,” Crimson said with a satisfied nod. Her blue eyes twinkled.

“And if he asks you out again?” Sergio asked with a raised brow.

“Maybe if he asks me again, I’ll say yes,” I offered with a reluctant, small smile.

But what if he’d only offered the tickets to be kind, and really he was perfectly happy as friends?

“Long Way Down”—The Goo Goo Dolls

Drenched in sweat, I held my stick above my head in victory. My teammates surrounded me, and we congratulated each other with massive smiles abounding. It had been a fast-paced and physical game.

“Hell yeah!” Kris yelled as he wrapped his arms around me, damn near pulling me off my feet.

In the last five seconds of the game, I’d managed to score the winning point. It might’ve been the only goal I made all night, but it was one that counted. It stopped us from having to go into overtime when we were all tired and beat to hell.

“Great game, boys,” said Coach as we undressed in the locker room. He gave us a well-worded congratulatory speech. The valued praise from a man we all respected pushed our winning high into euphoria.

Despite the win, it wasn’t nearly the best part of the night.

That had been when I glanced up into the stands and saw the bright flash of Bleu’s curls in the seats I’d reserved for her. The teenager next to her had to have been her brother, but I didn’t get a good look.

Coach left the room, and I pulled out my phone. I shot her a text to see if they needed a ride home, though I knew she’d likely driven. It was more my way of trying to get interaction.

My Angel: Um, I drove. Maybe a raincheck?

Me: What about stopping for something to eat?

My Angel: LOL the last thing Jett or I need is more food

Me: Would you care if I stopped by your place when I’m done here?

My Angel: I’m not sure if that’s a good idea

Me: I’ll be on my best behavior

My Angel: LOL I have a feeling your best behavior rivals many people’s worst behavior

Me: *gasp* I’m offended!

My Angel: Somehow I doubt that

Me: So is that a yes?

The dots appeared and disappeared again. Then a bubble popped up that set my heart racing and a smile damn near splitting my face in two.

My Angel: Since I know you’re all excited about the win, I guess

She’d added a little emoji at the end that told me she was playing with me.

“What’s that grin for?” Jericho asked as he sat on the bench next to me in his towel. I still had my gear on with sweat growing cool on my skin.

“Nothing,” I said but couldn’t dim my expression for anything. Then I pulled my sweater over my head and stripped out of my pads. I left him staring after me with a confused shake of his head. My shower was efficient, and I was dressed in my slacks, shirt, and tie in no time.

“You going to The Iron Dog?” Dmitry asked me, Kris, and Jericho. He didn’t ask Alex, because we knew he was going home to his wife. His priorities had seriously changed since he and Sydney solidified their relationship. I’d been happy for him despite thinking he was a little nuts. Didn’t mean that’s what I wanted for myself.

Then what do you want from Bleu?

The voice in my head taunted my resolve. Though I said I certainly didn’t want a relationship, I had this incredible desire to monopolize her free time. At least when I could get it to coordinate with mine.

Kris shook his head, which I expected. He’d been bailing on hanging with us a lot even before I started bailing on everyone. Something was up with him, but I had no idea what it could be. He’d been pissed at me for befriending Alex when he’d been traded, but I thought he was past that.

“Naw, I’m going to head over to, uh, a friend’s place.” Everyone froze, and a scan of the guys I considered my best friends showed raised brows and gaping mouths.

“You don’t have friends outside of the team,” Kris drawled out.

“That’s not true,” I argued as I slipped my shoes on and grabbed my keys.

“Name one,” Alex said, jumping on Kris’s bandwagon. Something that surprised me.

My brain spun until it locked on a name. “Scott.”

Mikhail piped in with his accented deep voice. “That’s your neighbor.”

“So?” I defensively asked. “We’re friends. And he’s been helping with the projects in my Copyright 2016 - 2024