Torn (Torn Series) Page 0,83

you told me Chloe, I want you to be honest with me. I don’t really know what to say, but I’m trying to understand here. You said this was right after we got together?”

I nodded, feeling more guilt cripple me.

“Ok, well as long as it was just the once I am willing to look past it. I know how confused you were about us then,” He pulled me into a hug as I burst into tears, “What’s wrong Chloe? I forgive you baby girl, I forgive you.”

I continued to sob as I managed to gasp out the few words that would seal our fate. “It wasn’t just then. It happened again a couple weeks ago. I went to his house to try to work things out, because we hadn’t really talked since it happened, and things got carried away.”

I felt his arms stiffen around me. “You had sex with him two weeks ago? What the fuck Chloe?” he quickly dropped his arms from around me and stood. I was still crying as he continued yelling, “That son of a bitch! He knew you were mine, and he still went after you. Twice! Unfuckingbelievable! I’m going to kill him!” He stormed across the room to the door and threw it open.

I jumped off the bed to go after him, “Logan! Logan stop! Where are you going?”

He glanced over his shoulder at me as he headed for the stairs, “I’m going to teach that bastard a lesson. I knew something was up between you two, I just never thought he would pull that. I never thought you would do this to me! How could you Chloe?” he continued to yell as I chased him down the stairs. All around us, students stopped dead in the hallway and stairs to stare at us as we passed.

“I’m so sorry Logan, but please just stop,” I reached for his arm but he threw my hand away.

“Stay away from me Chloe, or God help me, I won’t be responsible for my actions.”

We had made it down the stairs and out into the parking lot and he quickly unlocked his car and jumped in. I tried to open the passenger door, but he kept it locked as he put the car in drive and left black marks as he screeched out of the parking lot. Sobbing uncontrollably, I ran for my own car and quickly tore after him. He went straight to the bar, knowing Drake would be playing on a Friday night. As soon as I shut my car off, I jumped out and ran after him into the building.

Drake was up on stage playing with the band when we entered. Logan headed straight for the stage with me on his heels. Before I could stop him, he jumped up onto the stage and punched Drake in the face. I screamed as I watched Drake’s head jerk back with the force of it and blood started trickling down onto his lips from his nose. The crowd started screaming and the other band members quickly grabbed Logan as he lunged for Drake again.

“What the fuck?” Drake yelled glaring at Logan.

He glanced up and went pale at the sight of me standing in front of them crying and shaking as Logan started screaming at him.

“You stupid son of a bitch! Did you think I wouldn’t find out you’d been fucking Chloe behind my back?” he lunged again and Adam was caught off guard, letting him go. Drake saw him coming and jumped back before landing a punch of his own in Logan’s stomach. Logan grunted and dropped before jumping up and going at Drake again.

“Come on pretty boy, I’m standing right here, come get me,” Drake taunted him.

Logan threw a punch again and Drake wasn’t quick enough to dodge it as it landed in his ribcage. Logan threw himself at him while he was distracted by the pain and they flew backwards into the drums, sending them flying. I screamed out as they continued to throw punches before Adam and Eric could pull them apart.

Eric pried Drake off of Logan and held him tight as Adam twisted Logan’s arm behind his back and held him in a death grip.

Jade, who had been standing on the end of the stage the entire time put her fingers in her mouth and whistled. “That’s it! Grow the fuck up boys, or at least take it outside!”

Logan looked at Drake with pure hatred in his eyes, “How could you Drake? I asked Copyright 2016 - 2024