Torn (Torn Series) Page 0,84

you that day at lunch if there was anything between the two of you before I went for her. You told me nothing was going on and nothing would. You promised me you would leave her alone and look what happened. You fucked her not once, but twice behind my back.”

Drake glared right back at him, “Yeah I did fuck her. Twice because once just wasn’t enough for me and I’d do it again if I could.”

Logan tried to lunge for him but Adam was prepared this time and held tight.

“Alright guys, both of you outside now,” he growled as he held Logan back. He marched him off stage and across the bar to the door, Eric following closely behind still holding onto Drake. Jade and I followed behind them at a distance with her arms wrapped around me, hugging me tight.

When I stepped out into the cool night air I breathed deeply. How had my life come to this? I was almost certain I had already lost Logan, not only as a boyfriend, but as my friend too. And Drake, well I never knew where I stood with him from day one. My insides trembled as Eric and Adam released Logan and Drake and stepped back.

“Alright, you want to kick the shit out of each other, be my guest. We’re not going to stop you, but you guys need to get your shit together. Fighting over a girl is fucking ridiculous and you know it. So do what you want, just get it out and over with before our drums suffer anymore,” Eric growled as he and Adam made their way over to where Jade and I stood.

Logan and Drake stood facing each other, and suddenly I was afraid they would start hitting each other again. I stepped forward until I stood between them.

“Listen to me, both of you. This is so stupid, like Eric said. This is all my fault and the two of you beating the shit out of each other isn’t going to fix anything. I fucked up, not you two. So if you want to take your anger out on someone, take it out on me. I ruined everything,” Tears ran down my face as I looked at both of them, “You both mean so much to me, and I will never forgive myself for what I have done to you.”

I quickly turned from them and headed across parking lot to my car. As I got in, I glanced up and saw both of them staring at me with identical looks of pain and rage on their faces.

The texts started a couple hours after I made it home. First from Drake checking on me, then to both of them apologizing for what happened at the bar. I couldn’t really face either of them at this point, not because of what happened tonight, but because I was ashamed of myself and what I had done to both of them, so I ignored the texts. They were both better than this whole situation, better than I was, and neither of them deserved to be stuck with me.

Rachel had forgotten some of her stuff at home when she came back from break, so she had gone home to see her parents and grab her things for the weekend, which meant I had the entire room to myself as I moped and refused to answer their text messages as my phone continued to ding. I grabbed a bottle of vodka from our mini fridge and poured a shot straight. Gulping it down, I poured another and drank it down too. If I was going to be miserable, I might as well do it right.

A few shots later, I was lying on my bed staring at the ceiling as it gently swayed back and forth. I giggled at the stupid ceiling. Life wasn’t so bad, I thought as the ceiling continued to sway. I’m not sure how long I laid there laughing at the ceiling before I heard a knock on my door. Giggling like a fool, I stumbled from my bed and slowly made my way to the door. Swinging it open, I saw both Logan and Drake standing in front of me.

I smiled at the sight of these two gorgeous men who had come to visit me, “Heeeey guys! How are you?” I giggled again as I spoke, “Actually, never mind. You’re both pretty damn fine like always.” I turned and made my way back to my bed Copyright 2016 - 2024