Torn (Torn Series) Page 0,48

gave me a sympathetic smile, “Better get used to it again, we’re always busy.”

I waved goodnight as I walked back to the front and started wiping the tables down. Vanessa and Anna restocked everything, and after I finished the tables, I cleaned the women’s restroom while Anna tackled the men’s. Once everything was finished, we split the tips and I bid them goodnight as I walked to my car. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and switched it off vibrate. I had a new text alert from Drake.

Drake: I hope you’re enjoying your night while I slave away over this paper.

I smiled as I typed my reply.

Me: Yes, I thoroughly enjoyed serving coffee crazy customers all night, but my feet are dying a slow death. You shouldn’t have waited until the last minute to finish your paper.

Drake: I guess you’re right, I’ve just been distracted.

Me: I bet you have been. How’s your butt?

Drake: Sore, thanks to you.

I laughed as another text came through.

Drake: That didn’t come out right.

Me: No it didn’t.

Drake: Shut up. I need to finish this, I’ll talk to you tomorrow.

Me: Night.

The next few days passed by in a whirlwind of school, homework, and work. Tuesday night at work was much the same as Monday, with me taking orders while Anna and Vanessa filled them. Thursday, Vanessa decided I was ready to start tackling the drinks and put me with Anna while she took the orders. I had grown a bit rusty, and I messed up on a few orders. Apart from one man screaming at me about trying to kill him by putting milk in his coffee order, most of the customers were understanding.

I was getting along great with both Anna and Vanessa. I really hadn’t talked to Anna much while I was upfront, but when I traded with Vanessa, I spent the evening laughing with her. Where Vanessa was all dark, Anna was the exact opposite, with bright green eyes, pale skin, and blindingly white blonde hair. She was a bit too bubbly for me, but I could tell she had a good heart.

“So what are you doing tomorrow night on your day off?” Vanessa asked as we cleaned the machines after close.

“I’m going with my roommate and my friends to watch my friend Drake play with his band.”

Rachel had heard Amber and I talking about the show the other night and asked if she could tag along to hear them play. Alex had something else to do, so Amber was going without him.

Vanessa’s mouth dropped open. “You mean the Drake that plays with Breaking the Hunger?”

I nodded my head and she squealed, “You’re friends with Drake Allen? How did I not know this? He’s like a walking ball of sexual tension, and he’s got the most amazing voice I’ve ever heard.”

I laughed at her star struck expression, “Don’t let him hear you saying that, his already oversized head will swell.”

“I’ll help his head swell any day.”

I burst out laughing at her dirty mind. “I never took you as a fan girl. Seriously though, he’s a good friend, but he’s crap to women.”

She frowned, “Yeah that’s what I heard, too bad it’s true. The things I’d like to do to that boy.”

I smiled and waved as we made our way to our cars. I pulled my phone out and sent a quick text to Drake, reminding him we would be there tomorrow night. I had told him we were planning on going yesterday during class, and he gave me a hard look, but wasn’t able to say anything to me since Logan was with us. Before I could start my car, Drake called my phone.


“Hey, I just got your text. Are you sure you’ll be ok with going to the bar after what happened last time?”

My free hand gripped the steering wheel until my knuckles turned white. “I’ll be fine, I will not let that asshole control my life.”

I heard Drake’s bed squeaking as he laid down.

“Alright, but promise me you’ll stay with Logan while I’m playing.”

“I promise. I need to get home, I’ll talk to you tomorrow ok?”

“Goodnight Chloe, sweet dreams.”

Drake wasn’t in class the next morning, but he was sitting at our usual table with a girl I had never seen before sitting on his lap when Logan and I walked into the cafeteria.

“You missed a bunch of notes this morning. Where were you?” I asked as I sat down across from him, ignoring the girl on his lap.

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