Torn (Torn Series) Page 0,49

trouble this morning so I had Adam drop me off late. I need to go to the library this afternoon after class, so if it’s alright with you, I’ll catch a ride with you guys to the bar.”

I nodded as I stood to get in line for food, “That’s fine, we’re all riding together in my car but I have enough room.”

As I stood in line, I glanced back at the table to see the girl was gone, and Logan was in deep conversation with Drake, their heads bent close together. When I approached the table, they both pulled away from each other and looked at me. While Logan had an easy smile on his face and seemed relaxed, Drake’s body was coiled tight as he frowned up at me.

“What were you two talking about?”

Logan wrapped his arm around my shoulders and pulled me close while Drake followed our every move with his gaze.

“Nothing, just talking about watching him play tonight. I’m curious to see if he’s as good as everyone says.”

I looked at Drake, but he had lowered his gaze, his shoulders tight with tension. Somehow I didn’t believe that’s what they were talking about.

“I’ve seen them play, he’s seriously amazing. You guys are going to go far, I can already tell.”

Drake gave me a small smile but it didn’t quite reach his eyes, “Thanks, Adam has a tour set up for us over the summer once school is over. He’s got us gigs in Virginia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, and even a couple small time places in New York.”

My smile brightened, “That’s awesome Drake! You watch, once summer is over you’ll be a big time rock star and you’ll forget all about us little people.”

“You don’t have to worry about that, I don’t think I’d ever be able to forget you.”

Logan’s hold on me tightened as I felt my cheeks warm.

“I bet you say that to all the girls.”

He laughed as he pushed his chair back and stood, “You’re right, I do. I’ve got to go make a few calls about my car, I’ll see you guys tonight.”

I felt Logan’s grip relax as Drake left.

“I really don’t like that guy sometimes.”

I elbowed him in the ribs. “He’s a good guy, he just likes to hide it.”

“Still doesn’t mean I have to like him,” I glared at him and he laughed, “Alright, I’ll back off, I promised I would try to get along with him after all. So, after we leave the bar, I thought we could do a movie night in my room? My roommate won’t be there like normal, so you can have his bed.”

“I don’t know, what if someone catches me in there?”

“Like I said, my roommate isn’t going to be home and no one else is going to come to my room. Please, I feel like I haven’t seen you in weeks.”

I instantly felt bad; I had been neglecting Logan with everything else going on in my life. “Ok, but only if I get to pick the movie.”

He smiled as he leaned down and kissed the top of my head. “Fair enough, it’s a date.”

I tensed at his words, but didn’t respond at first. Maybe we could ease into this and see where it went instead of jumping in with both feet.

“It’s a date.”

Chapter Twelve

Everything Changes

I sat on my bed with Logan, Amber, and Rachel, talking as we waited for Drake to show up. We had spent the last twenty minutes in my room waiting for him to arrive and so far the only thing he had done was make us wait. I glanced anxiously between the clock and a severely pissed off Logan before deciding to call him.


“Where are you at? It’s almost eight o’clock and you go on at nine.”

“I’m finishing up at the library now, can you come over and pick me up?”

I sighed, “Yeah, wait for us outside, I’ll be there in a couple minutes,” I hung up with him and turned to everyone, “Come on, we have to pick him up at the library.”

Logan took my hand in his as we walked to my car. I caught Amber staring at us and gave her a weak smile. She chuckled and shook her head as she got in, but thankfully said nothing. We pulled up in front of the library a few minutes later to see Drake waiting on us. I popped the trunk so he could stash his jacket and guitar inside.

Rachel scooted over closer to Amber with a star struck look Copyright 2016 - 2024