Torn (Torn Series) Page 0,47

don’t know. I just trust him, I can’t explain it.”

My words seemed to bother him and he frowned. “Is something going on between you guys?”

My stomach dropped and I refused to meet his gaze, “No, we’re just friends and that’s all we’ll ever be.”

He seemed satisfied with my answer as he leaned down and kissed me on the cheek.

“Good to know, I just wanted to make sure I didn’t have any competition.”


Chapter Eleven

It’s Coffee Time

I stood in front of my mirror double checking my appearance, making sure I looked ok for my first day on the job. Janet had told me to wear black pants and a white or black shirt. I had pulled my hair back into a sleek bun to keep it out of the way, and applied a small amount of make-up. I was anxious as I pulled into the lot and walked inside.

Janet was standing behind the counter and greeted me with a smile. “You’re early! Great, I have some paperwork for you to fill out.”

She led me back to a small office and closed the door behind us. I sat in the chair across from her as she pulled a file folder out and handed me the papers inside.

“If you can fill these out for me, they’re just basic emergency contact forms and tax information.”

She sat quietly as I filled the forms out and handed them back to her. I had listed Logan as my emergency contact. She glanced down at the forms and stopped on the emergency contact.

“I don’t mean to be rude, but you might not want to list a boyfriend as your contact.”

I smiled, “He’s my best friend.”

“Good to know. I’m going to have you shadow Vanessa tonight, if everything goes well, I’m going to schedule for Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday from five P.M. to close. Does that work for you?”

“Sounds perfect. I really appreciate this job.”

“Not a problem, we definitely need the help and since you’ve worked at another location before, we can skip making you take the training courses. Now come on, I’ll introduce you to Vanessa and you can get started.”

I followed as she led me back to the counter. A pretty girl stood behind the register and smiled as we approached.

Janet gestured to me, “Veronica this is Chloe, I want you to help her out tonight. Let her run register and help keep things stocked while you and Anna make the drinks.”

I smiled as I held out my hand to shake Vanessa’s, “Nice to meet you.”

She was a few inches shorter than me with dark brown hair. Her features and dark skin tone made me think she came from Hispanic descent. She motioned for me to come around the counter as Janet left us.

“I’m so glad you’re here, our last girl just quit and left us hanging. Let me show you how to run the register, and then I’ll show you where we keep all the supplies.”

She took a few minutes to explain the register and watched as I rang up a few customers. She seemed impressed with how quickly I caught on.

“Not bad.”

I gave her a smile, “Thanks, I worked at a Starbucks back home, so I know most of this stuff.”

She nodded as she took me to supply room in the back next to Janet’s office. “All the syrups are here. We keep the milk and whipped cream in the refrigerator over there, the coffees for the machines are here, and the bags we sell are on the shelves over there, next to the refrigerator. The bakery items are brought in first thing in the morning, so you won’t have to worry about that since you’re on night shift.”

I nodded as she explained everything to me, trying to keep up.

“All the bathroom and cleaning supplies are stocked over there, away from all the food obviously. If we’re slow, you clean the tables and check the bathrooms. When we close, after you cash out, you need to wipe every table down, and restock all the syrups and coffee for the morning shift. Seem simple enough?”

“Yeah I think I’ve got it.”

“Good, here’s your apron, so let’s get back out front before Anna has my head.”

The next few hours flew by as I took orders while Vanessa and Anna filled them. By the end of the night, my feet were killing me. I cashed out my register and took everything to Janet’s office.

She smiled when I entered, “How did your first night go?”

“It was good, but now I’m beat.”

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