Torn (Torn Series) Page 0,39

sounds better. I don’t want to put that label on it or it’ll give Logan the wrong idea. I need time to figure this out before I start anything with either of them.”

We each ordered another coffee and spent the next hour catching up about our classes. It felt nice to just have some uncomplicated girl time with Amber, and I soaked it up for as long as I could. Finally, she glanced at her watch before motioning me toward the door.

“You had better go if you don’t want to be late. I’m sure Drake wouldn’t appreciate being stood up.”

I nodded and I stood and tossed my empty cup into the trash. “I still have no idea where we are going. If I’m not back by tomorrow afternoon, call the police. Oh, and you can have all my CDs.”

She laughed, “Drake is a lot of things, but I don’t think a serial killer is one of them.”

“You never know, that boy is full of surprises.”

I waved to her as I left the shop and walked to my car. Once I was inside, I just sat there debating whether or not to just go home and leave Drake hanging. I knew I was being a coward but I couldn’t help it. He was under my skin, and whenever I was around him my judgment always clouded over.

Chapter Nine


I decided to take a chance as I started my car and made my way across town to his house. When I passed the bar, a shiver ran up my spine. I had no idea how I was going to handle going back there. I pushed the thought to the back of my mind as I parked outside of Drake’s house. He opened his door before I was even out of my car.

“About time, I thought you changed your mind,” his eyes traveled up and down my body, “Wow, you look great.”

I smiled to myself at his compliment, “Thanks, and no way, if I make plans to get murdered by some hot guy with tattoos and a bad attitude, I keep them.”

“So you think I’m hot do you?”

I mentally face palmed as I realized my slip up.

“You completely missed the whole getting murdered part didn’t you?”

He walked over to me and slipped a hand around my waist as he led me to his car. I felt the tingles running down my back as he touched me.

“I always focus on the important things, now get in.”

He pushed me gently toward the passenger door before walking around his side and getting in. I stood there debating whether I could still make a run for it when he rolled my window down.

“Get in. Don’t think I won’t throw you into this car. I’ll even get on top of you to hold you down if it comes to that, not that I would mind.”

I groaned as I opened the door and slid in, slamming it behind me.

“You’re so bossy.”

“Yeah but you love it.”

“Not really, it only adds to your annoying qualities.”

He grinned at me as he pulled onto the road and started driving in the direction of the business district, “I wasn’t aware that I had any annoying qualities actually. Please enlighten me to what they could possibly be.”

I looked at him in astonishment, “You seriously want me to list everything bad about you?”

He shrugged his shoulders as he weaved through traffic, “Sure, why not. Besides, none of the other girls I talk to have anything bad to say about me. Actually, they often yell how good I am, several times in a row.”

I felt my face grow warm.

“I’m sure they do. Alright, let’s see if I can manage to name off all your bad qualities by the time we get to wherever we’re going. This is going to take a while.”

He grinned but stayed silent, waiting for me to start.

“Well first, you’re bossy. Then the fact you refuse to tell me where we’re going. You’re also self-centered and arrogant. You walk around like you own the world and expect everyone to just bow to you.”

He cut me off before I could continue, “I don’t expect everyone to bow to me, just the female population. I mean, can you blame me though? You said it yourself, I’m smoking hot and I ooze sex appeal.”

“I don’t remember saying you ooze anything hot shot.”

“I read your mind and I know what you’re thinking right now too. I bet you’d like to either rip my clothes or my head off.”

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