Torn (Torn Series) Page 0,38

How could you know something like that and not tell me? What happened to the whole ‘I’ll give you my favorite pair of Chucks to you if Chloe and Logan ever get together’ speech you made to Drake the other day?”

She looked up at me and I saw anger in her eyes, “I’ve known for a while. I fell for Logan as soon as he started going to school with us. I hid them for a while, right before Chad and I started hanging out actually. I was drinking at a party one night when you were gone with your mom that summer and he gave me a ride home. I tried to kiss him, but he pushed me away and told me he wanted you. He made me promise to keep it to myself, not that I had ever planned on telling you after what happened that night.”

I stared at her in disbelief, “I had no idea how you felt about him. Do you… Do you still have feelings for him?”

She shook her head, “No, I moved on, Logan is just my friend now. But that’s beside the point. How do you feel about him?”

To be honest, I had no idea how I felt about him. It was all too new and my mind was having a hard time viewing him as anything else but my best friend.

“I don’t know, this is all so damn confusing. I know he wants more, even if he isn’t pushing, but I’m not sure I can give it to him. Look at me, I am completely fucked up and he deserves better than that.”

She shook her head, “You are not fucked up Chloe, you’ve just had way more shit thrown at you than people twice our age. It made you grow up fast, and yes you are a bit jaded, but in no way are you fucked up. You really need to think about this thing with Logan and with Drake. Both of them want you, there’s no question about it in my mind, so you need to decide who you want and go for it.”

There was no doubt about who I wanted. Drake. But if I started something with him, knowing what I did about how Logan felt, I knew Logan would take it as a personal insult.

“Maybe I should take your advice from before and just become a nun.”

She laughed, “Yeah, you get right on that.”

We sat in silence, both of us lost in our own thoughts. Finally she looked up at me and grinned, “Enough about you, I want to talk about my date with Alex.”

I felt relief about the subject change and threw myself into the conversation as a distraction from my thoughts.

“Tell me all about it! Where did he take you?”

“It was so romantic! He took me took this quaint little Italian restaurant just across the state line. We sat there for a couple hours and just talked, and then he took me to the movies. He even watched a chick flick with me!”

“That’s great Amber, I’m really happy that you found someone who isn’t an ass. Do you think there will be a second date?”

“I hope so, he told me he would call sometime next week. He’s so different from Chad already. Chad was always good to me, but there were times that I wondered if he even wanted to be with me. When I was with Alex, he paid attention to everything I said, and we have so much in common. He even knows some of the small time bands we both listen to.”

“Well that settles it for me, you need to marry him.”

She laughed, “I figured you would say that. Speaking of bands, I really want to hear Drake play again sometime. I did a little asking around and everyone seems to love Breaking the Hunger. Why don’t we go listen to him next weekend?”

I forced a smile on my face. She had no idea what had happened at the bar with Nick and if I refused to go, she would know something was up with me.

“Yeah, that sounds fun. I’ll let him know I’m bringing you. Maybe Logan will want to go with us too.”

“Great, I’ll ask Alex if he wants to go with us, then we can make a double date out of it.” I frowned at her words and she sighed, “Or we’ll call it a date for Alex and me. And you can call it hanging out with my best friends.”

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