Torn (Torn Series) Page 0,40

second one,” I grumbled as he pulled the car into a small lot. I glanced up and noticed we were at a tattoo shop, “What are we doing here?”

“This is your surprise, you’re going to get that tattoo.”

I shook my head as I looked at him in shock, “Not a chance, I told you I don’t handle pain well.”

“I’ll be with you the whole time, and I’ll even let you hold my hand if you want to.”

I glanced up at the shop again as I bit my lip, “I don’t know Drake. What if he starts it and I can’t handle it? I’ll be stuck with half a tattoo for the rest of my life.”

“You mean she.”


“You said what if he starts it. My friend Katelynn is going to do it for you.”

I raised my eyebrows at him, “So you think that having my tattoo done by one of your skanks is going to improve your chances of getting me in there? I might catch an STD from her or something.”

He acted as if I had insulted him personally, which I guess I had.

“She isn’t one of my skanks. She’s someone I’ve known for a long time and she does good work. I called her and she came in on her day off to do this for you so get your ass out of my car and let’s go get inked.”

“I’ll go in, but I’m not promising you anything.”

I opened my door and stepped out, my legs literally shaking with fear. I took a step and stumbled. Drake was beside me in a flash as he caught me and held me up.

“You weren’t kidding about being clumsy were you?”

“Bite me.”

I pulled myself free from his grip and slowly walked to the shop. I had no idea why I was even out of the car, there was no way I could do this. I looked over at Drake. It was because of him, my decisions always had to something to do with him. As we reached the shop, I pulled on the doors but they were locked.

“Well look at that, they’re closed,” I turned and started to walk back to the car but he grabbed my arm and pulled me back.

“They are closed, but she came in to do this for us.”

He knocked loudly on the doors and a moment later a tall woman with bright pink hair appeared. She unlocked the door and opened it, waving us in. As soon as we entered she locked the door behind us and turned to Drake and me.

“Hi, you must be Chloe. I’m Katelynn.”

She seemed nice enough but I wasn’t totally convinced.

“Nice to meet you. Listen, I’m not sure what Drake told you, but I don’t want to get a tattoo.”

She raised a pierced brow and glanced at Drake, “Really? Drake here acted like you were excited. Why don’t I show you what I’ve got and if you still don’t want it, I won’t force you.”

I nodded as she led us down a hallway covered in pictures of tattoos. Some of the pieces were truly amazing and had obviously taken hours to do. One stood out among the rest, it was a black and white portrait of a woman. The artist had been so detailed that if I reached out and touched her face, I almost expected her to be real.

“This is amazing.”

Katelynn glanced back as she opened a door at the end of the hallway and motioned for us to enter, “Thanks, that’s one of mine. The man who got it wanted it in memory of his fiancé. She died in a freak accident.”

“Wow, that’s so sad, but the piece is so beautiful.”

She nodded as she pointed to a chair, “Take a seat by the desk and I’ll show you what I drew up.”

I sat down and glanced around the room. Like the hallway, there were several pictures of tattoos on the walls, and a photo album sat on the desk in front me. I opened it up and started looking through several pieces of flash work. I stopped on a page covered in different heart designs and an idea popped into my head. I grinned up at Drake as Katelynn sat down next to me with a piece of paper in her hand.

“I’ll make you a deal Drake. I’ll suck it up and get my tattoo if you get one with me. But I get to pick what you get and where you get it.”

He raised his eyebrow and grinned, “Oh Copyright 2016 - 2024