Torn (Torn Series) Page 0,35

about going to Starbucks, which is like twenty minutes round trip, but you never come home. I called him and Amber to see if you were with them. Now call him before he starts busting heads around campus, you and I both know he’ll do it.”

I quickly dialed Logan’s number and he answered on the first ring.

“Chloe? Are you ok? Where are you?”

“I’m fine Logan, calm down. My phone went dead, but I’m home now. I was with Drake last night.”

Silence followed for several moments before Logan finally responded, “With Drake?” His voice was deathly quiet.

“Yeah, I drank too much and he helped me out.”

I could almost hear the wheels turning in Logan’s head. He stayed silent for a moment again before speaking, “I’ll be at your place in ten.”

Before I could respond, he had already hung up on me.

“Awesome. Just awesome,” I fell back onto my bed and looked at Rachel, “He’s coming over in a few minutes. This should be pleasant.”

Rachel had the decency to at least look guilty, “Sorry chick. I’m going to head out so you two can talk. I see lots of yelling in your future, so I’m out.”

She grabbed her keys and shot out the door faster than I had ever seen her move.

“Traitor,” I mumbled under my breath.

Just a few minutes after Rachel made her escape a loud knock sounded on my door. I knew it had to be Logan, so I yelled from the bed for him to come in. As soon as he entered the room I knew I was in trouble. He slammed the door behind him and stomped over to my bed.

“What the fuck were you thinking Chloe? Out drinking by yourself with some guy you barely know? And then staying the night with him?” he yelled loud enough to make me jump.

Instantly, I got angry too.

“First off, I am a big girl Logan! I can damn well take care of myself, I have been for years. You have absolutely no right to tell me what to do. We talked about you being overprotective before and you promised to try to control it! If I want to go get drunk and prance around naked with half the men on campus, you would have no say in it!”

Obviously this was the wrong thing to say, because his face turned bright red and his eyes grew cold.

“So that’s what you were doing with him? Prancing around naked as you put it?” His voice was deathly quiet and I had never seen him so mad at me.

I decided being nice might help my case a bit.

“Listen Logan, I know you were worried, but you have got to get over this whole overprotective thing. I definitely did not get naked with him, he is my friend, just like you are.”

I felt bad about lying to him, but if he knew I was secretly crushing on Drake it would only make things worse.

Logan’s face twisted like he was in pain, but he remained silent.

I stood up from the bed and reached over to hug him, “I’m sorry I made you worry ok? I love you more than life itself Logan, and I don’t want to fight with you. Please don’t be mad at me.” I looked up at him and gave him my best innocent face.

His lips twitched and his eyes softened, “Don’t use that face on me Chloe Marie, you know I can’t handle it.”

I grinned and leaned up to kiss him on the cheek, “That was the plan big man. Now come on, let’s go get some lunch. Besides, I need to call Amber and let her know I’m still alive.”

He frowned down at me as he followed me out the door, “Not even remotely funny.”

After a quick call to Amber letting her know I was ok, and promising lots of details when Logan wasn’t around, we went to a local Mexican place for lunch. Logan seemed to be back to his normal self as lunch went on and I was glad. Logan and I rarely fought, and I hated it when we did. Without him, my life would have been ten times worse.

We finished up our lunch and went back to his room to work on a few assignments for class. Logan sat down on his bed and I took the desk next to it as I opened my book. Every time I glanced up at Logan, he would be watching me with a strange look on his face.

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