Torn (Torn Series) Page 0,34

parent of the year anytime soon.”

He pulled me into his chest and hugged me tight, “I understand. Like I said, if and when you’re ready to talk about it with me, I’m here for you.”

“I know. It’s just complicated and really boring. Anyway, I better head home before Rachel sends out a search party for me. I never sleep anywhere besides our room and I’m sure she’s freaking out.”

I pulled away from him and made my way back to his bedroom to gather my stuff. After I had everything together I turned to leave and noticed him standing in the bedroom doorway.

“Listen, about last night…” he started but I interrupted.

“I know what you’re going to say, and seriously, it’s fine. I was drunk and had a lot of stuff going through my head after everything at the bar. I know you don’t feel that way, you don’t have to lie, so let’s just forget about it and go back to how we were before my stupidity took over.”

He looked down at the pink carpet and nodded, “Ok, yeah. I’ll try to forget you threw yourself at me like the skank you are.”

I laughed at his teasing and walked across the room to punch him in the arm.

“Good to know where we stand little man whore.”

He looked up at me and grinned, “Now that we’ve got that settled I’m kicking your ass out,” he motioned toward the door, “Hop to it, I’ve got things to do.”

I glared at him as I stomped past him and to the door. I flipped him off as I opened it and threw a “Later douchebag!” over my shoulder. I grinned as I made my way down his sidewalk and toward the bar, where my car was still parked.

Chapter Eight


I barely remembered driving back to the dorm and walking up to my room as thoughts of Drake and everything that happened in the last twenty four hours swirled around inside my head. I had come so close to being raped it wasn’t funny. If he hadn’t followed us outside, my night and my life would have changed drastically. I would be forever thankful to him for what he had done, and I promised myself to never drink by myself with someone I didn’t know again.

A chill went down my spine as I thought of what Nick had done to me and I felt vomit rise in my throat. I suppressed a shudder and vowed to never let Amber, Rachel, and especially Logan, know what had happened. Drake had promised to keep it between us and I believed him. All I had to do was push it to the back of my head and pretend it was just a nightmare.

I straightened my back and plastered a smile on my face as I opened the door. As soon as I walked through Rachel jumped from her bed and tackled me.

“Oh thank heavens! Where the hell have you been and why didn’t you answer your phone?”

I managed to push her off and smiled apologetically, “Sorry, my phone died and I didn’t have a charger. I went to Starbucks and ended up stopping at the bar Drake was playing at. I got completely trashed and Drake lives like a block away from the bar, so he took me to his place to crash.”

Her eyes popped at the mention of me staying with Drake all night, “Drake? As in the Drake of Breaking the Hunger?”

I nodded.

“You spent the night with Mr. Hot and Badass himself?” she squealed a bit before continuing, “What happened? Did you bump uglies with him? Please, for the love of all things holy, tell me you did.”

I walked over to my bed and flopped down before laughing at her, “Sorry, no bumping uglies with him. He was a perfect gentleman. Besides, we are just friends.”

She sighed dramatically, “After all the worrying you could have at least brought home a juicy story.”

My mind instantly flipped to Nick and my stomach dropped.

“Sorry nothing even remotely juicy.”

I pulled my phone out of my bag and plugged it into my charger before powering it on. I had several voicemails and over twenty texts. I clicked on the texts and saw most of them were from Logan.

Rachel peeked over my shoulder, “Oh yeah, you might want to call Logan and Amber. They are freaking out as well.”

I glared at her, “You called Logan? You knew he would freak out!”

“Can you blame me? I come home and you’re gone. You leave a note Copyright 2016 - 2024