Torn (Torn Series) Page 0,33

I sat down in my chair as he brought the juice over and sat across from me.

“This looks great Chloe. Thanks.”

I glanced up from my plate to smile at him, but my mouth froze as I noticed he still wasn’t wearing a shirt. The piercings in his nipples glittered in the sunlight shining through the window and I couldn’t seem to remember how to move my eyeballs away from his chest. They had to be the sexiest things I had ever seen in my life and I mentally fanned myself.

He cleared his throat and my eyes shot up to his. They were sparkling with mischief and I knew I had been caught.

“What are you looking at Chloe?’

I glanced down at my plate before meeting his gaze again. I gestured to his chest first, then to his face at the piercings in his eyebrow and lip.

“Those piercings you have, they had to hurt.”

“I’d be lying if I said they didn’t hurt like a bitch, especially the ones in my nipples, but it attracts the girls, so in my opinion, they were totally worth it.”

“You really only think with one part of your anatomy don’t you?”

His eyes brightened and he threw that sexy smirk at me, “Always.”

We ate in silence for a few minutes before he spoke, “What about you?”

“What about me?”

“You ignored me before when I asked if you had anything else pierced besides your belly button that I should know about. So do you have any hidden piercings?”

I coughed into my orange juice as I noticed his eyes dropping to my chest.

“No, definitely not. I like being able to walk through metal detectors, thanks.”

“What about ink? Surely you have something hidden away?”

I shook my head, “No, but I’d love to get a tattoo, I just don’t think I’m brave enough. I don’t handle pain well.”

He rolled his eyes, “What a baby! The pain isn’t even that bad, I was dozing off when I got this.”

He pointed to his back. I stood and made my way around the table to stand behind him. The tattoos I had seen peeking out from under his sleeves were actually one large tattoo that extended from his upper arm, across his upper back, and down his other arm, stopping just above his elbows on both arms. I traced my finger over it and felt him tense. It was some type of abstract tribal tattoo with the initials D and L right at the center.

“Why did you get this?”

He shrugged his shoulders as I pulled my hand back and made my way back to my chair.

“I just felt like I needed something to impress the ladies with. I mean who’s in a rock band and doesn’t have tattoos?”

He seemed uncomfortable and I was sure he was lying to me, but I let it go. He was entitled to his secrets, and I wasn’t about to push him. I glanced back up at him and noticed he was staring at me.


He shook his head, “Nothing, just wondering if you have anything picked out if you ever man up and get one.”

My insides clenched and I debated on telling him the truth. He had, after all, just lied to me. Deciding it wouldn’t really be telling him anything, I nodded.

“Nunquam Amavit.”

It came out as a whisper and I quickly stood and took our plates to the sink, hoping to avoid his questions. I felt him come up behind me and place the glasses in the sink with the plates. His body radiated heat and I shivered at the sensation.

He leaned down and I could feel his breath on my neck.

“What does it mean?”

My stomach dropped at the question and I closed my eyes to regain my composure.

“Never loved.” I whispered.

I picked up a plate and started scrubbing as I prayed he’d leave it at that. As always, my luck was shit.

“Care to explain that to me?”

I shook my head and continued to scrub the already clean plate. “It’s nothing really, I’ve had a shit life, but it’s not something I broadcast.”

He grabbed my shoulders and turned me to face him slowly. His fingers went under my chin and he pulled my face up to look at him.

“You know I’m here for you right? Just like Amber and Logan, you’re my friend and you can talk to me.”

I nodded my head as tears filled my eyes, “Thanks Drake, that means a lot to me. I don’t really talk about it, but let’s just say my mother won’t be getting Copyright 2016 - 2024