Torn (Torn Series) Page 0,32

the single most erotic feeling of my life. Suddenly, he pulled away from me gasping for air.

“Chloe, please stop. I can’t do this.”

I dropped my gaze to the bed spread as shame and embarrassment took over. What had I been thinking, kissing him like that?

“I’m so sorry, I don’t know what came over me. I’m so embarrassed.”

He took a deep breath before he spoke, “Listen, it’s not that I don’t want to kiss you, I do. Badly. But I’m not going to take advantage of you tonight. You’re vulnerable and not thinking clearly after what happened.”

I nodded still looking at the bed, “You’re right, but I think it would be better if you went back to the couch, I’m ok now.”

I glanced up at him and saw sadness in his eyes. “Yeah, that’s probably a good idea. If you need me, you know where I am.”

He stood and left the room, looking back as he shut the door behind him. I let out a breath I hadn’t realized I’d been holding and fell back onto the pillows. What the hell had I been thinking? I shock went through my stomach as I thought about him saying he wanted to kiss me. Was he serious, or just trying to be kind and not hurt my already screwed up feelings? I closed my eyes and eventually drifted off to sleep, my last thought before sleep took over was the feel of his lips on mine.

The next morning, I managed to crawl out of the bed and into the bathroom. Looking at myself in the mirror, I groaned. There was nothing like morning Chloe to make men run from the room screaming in terror. I rummaged through his vanity drawers hoping to find a brush and hair tie. The third drawer down I found what I was looking for. Running the brush through my hair, I managed to get it tied back in a bun to contain most of it. Next I grabbed the toothpaste and the unopened toothbrush he must have set out for me the night before and went to work on my morning breath.

Feeling slightly better about my appearance, I made my way from the bathroom into the living room. Drake was still asleep on the couch, and good lord, he was only wearing a pair of basketball shorts. No shirt. I tried not to look at him but it was impossible. Staring at him half naked, I felt that familiar tingle between my legs I always seemed to get when he was around. I had been right about him being ripped.

He shifted on the couch and I noticed something glittering on his chest. My mouth dropped open as I realized he had both nipples pierced. It took every ounce of willpower I had not to walk over to him and run my hands across the hard muscles of his stomach, but not before gently tugging on those nipple rings. I quickly turned and walked into the kitchen before I made an idiot of myself. Glancing around, I decided to see if he had any food to make us breakfast with.

Surprisingly, he had actual food in his kitchen unlike most guys. I pulled some eggs out the fridge and started searching his cabinets for a pan. Finding one, I threw the eggs in pan and put a few slices of bread in the toaster. Once I had the eggs fried and the toast buttered, I started searching for glasses to put some orange juice in. Just as I reached up to open the cabinet above my head, I felt hands wrap around my hips and I screamed and spun around flailing my arms at whoever was touching me. My hand came in contact with skin and I heard a yelp of pain.

“Shit! Chloe it’s me! Ouch damn it, stop!”

Drake grabbed my hands as I smacked at him again. My heart was racing and I looked up at him.

“Jesus Drake! You scared the fuck out of me!”

He grinned down at me, “I had no idea, I just thought you liked being rough.”

I rolled my eyes at his innuendo, “You’re such a charmer. Seriously, tone it down, I can barely contain myself over here.”

I turned back to the cabinet and pulled two glasses out. Turning back to him I shoved them in his hands, “Go pour some juice into these. I made breakfast.”

“Wow breakfast for me? You shouldn’t have.”

I ignored him as I grabbed the plates and carried them to the table. Copyright 2016 - 2024