Torn (Torn Series) Page 0,36

for?” I asked after I caught him doing it the third time.

He shook his head, as if to clear his thoughts and smiled at me, “Nothing, just thinking how glad I am you’re ok.”

I smiled back at him and went back to reading the chapter that had been assigned. Instead of seeing the words on the page, Drake’s face flashed in front of my eyes. Kissing him had been an experience in itself. He had told me he wanted me, but if he was telling me the truth, he could have had his way with me last night. Instead, he had pushed me away. I had never been the girl to chase a guy, not that I had noticed any that sparked my interest before him to begin with, and I wasn’t about to start now. I just had to accept the fact that we would always just be friends, even if that really sucked in my opinion.

I pushed Drake from my mind and went back to my reading. I only made it a few pages before my eyes grew heavy, and I decided to lay my head down for just a minute to rest. The next thing I knew, I felt myself being lifted from my chair. I peeked through my eyelids and saw Logan carrying me.

“What are you doing?” I mumbled, still half asleep.

“Shhhh. I’m going to lay you down for a little bit so you can rest.”

He sat down in the bed with me curled up into him. I snuggled closer and enjoyed his warmth, and his strong Logan scent. No one in this world could make me feel as safe as Logan did, although Drake was a close second. The last thing I remember before drifting off was Logan kissing my forehead and pulling me tighter against him.

I woke up groggy and disoriented. I felt someone pressed up against me and my heart started beating faster. I glanced over and saw Logan sleeping peacefully beside me. At the sight of him, my heart slowed down and my body relaxed. I watched him sleeping for a few minutes and smiled to myself, enjoying seeing Logan relaxed and peaceful. He was always wound so tight when he was awake, it was nice to see a different side to him.

I glanced at the clock on his night table and groaned. It was after midnight and I was in a male student’s bed. If his roommate came home or anyone else caught us, we’d both be in some serious trouble. Even if this was a co-ed dorm, they had stressed to all of us that there was to be no fraternizing with the opposite sex. I tried to slide out from under him, but our legs had become tangled as we slept.

I was afraid to wake him, but I knew I had to leave, so I slowly slid his arm off me and sat up. Moving his legs were a lot harder and he groaned in his sleep before throwing his arm around my waist and pulling me back down. I sighed and pushed him back off me. Thankfully he rolled to his side, and I was free.

I stood slowly and started throwing my books into my bag as quietly as I could. Once I had all my stuff gathered up, I made my way back over to him and kissed his forehead.

He moaned in his sleep and then smiled, “Love you my Chloe. So much.”

I frowned at his words now that I understood the true meaning behind them as I made my way out of his room and back to my own.

I groaned and rolled over as my phone rang from the table beside me. I grabbed it and saw Amber was calling me.

“This had better be good, it’s not even noon yet on a Sunday and I’m awake.”

Amber laughed in my ear at my grouchiness, “Well aren’t you a ball of sunshine this morning? Get dressed and meet me at that little coffee shop we saw just off campus, I want to tell you all about my date! And I want to hear everything you’ve been avoiding telling me about Drake. Twenty minutes bitch!”

She hung before I could tell her she was insane. A Drake interrogation was not something I wanted to wake up to, especially when it was coming from Amber. My phone rang again as I stood up and I answered it without checking the Caller I.D.

“For the love of God Amber, I’m up!”

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