Torn (Torn Series) Page 0,21

and I went back to the task of getting Logan semi-undressed. I pulled his socks off and moved to stand beside him and started tugging on his shirt.

“A little help would be nice you know.”

Logan slowly sat up as I pulled his shirt over his head.

“Alright, lie back down and stay on your side in case you throw up,” I grabbed a garbage can and sat it beside his bed. “And aim for this, I’m so not cleaning up your puke.”

He laughed as he rolled to his side, “Yes ma’am. Come lay down with me for a little while.”

“No thanks, I’m beat and my own bed is calling my name.”

“Fine,” He grumbled as I bent down to kiss him on the cheek.

Just as I reached him, he grabbed my waist to pull me down on top of him and turned his head so that my lips pressed to his. Before I could react, his arms pinned me on top of him and he was kissing me hard on the lips. I tried to pull away as his tongue slipped into my mouth, but he was holding me too tight. He finally released me and I jumped off the bed.

“What the hell Logan?!”

He just grinned up at me and closed his eyes, “I’ve been wanting to do that all night. I love you Chloe.”

Before I could respond, he was already asleep. I groaned as I stomped out the door and made my way to my room. I unlocked my door and threw my keys on the desk before falling onto my bed. My eyes went to Rachel’s side of the room before returning to staring up at the ceiling above my head. She was already passed out for the night and I listened to her soft snores as I pictured Logan drunk upstairs. What the hell had just happened in there? Logan had no right to kiss me, not even drunk, and I intended to add that to the growing list of topics we needed to discuss.

My mind drifted away from my drunken best friend and back to the dance floor with Drake. I had been so close to kissing him, and if Logan hadn’t shown up when he did, I knew without a doubt I would have. I kept telling myself to stay away from him, but then completely ignored my own advice. I had my future planned out in my head, focus on school, graduate with a psychology degree, move far away to keep my mother from finding me, and find a great job.

There was no room for Drake or any guy in my plans and I liked it that way, yet he kept shoving in without even realizing it. I decided then and there, since I couldn’t ignore the fact I already had feelings for Drake, that I would just let the cards fall where they may and pray I left with my heart still intact in the end.

My thoughts were interrupted as my phone beeped with a new text message. I grabbed it off the nightstand and saw it was from Amber.

Amber: You make it back to your room ok?

Me: Yeah, I’m in bed now.

Amber: Ok good, I wanted to make sure Logan didn’t knock you down the stairs or something. That boy was out of it. I’ve never seen him like that.

Me: Yeah I know, I don’t know what’s up with him, we’re going to have a long talk tomorrow.

Amber: Don’t blame you. Anyway… I saw you and Drake dancing tonight, it looked like you were having sex on the dance floor. ;-)

Me: Shut up hoe, we were just dancing. Seriously, what is up with everyone being against my dancing?

Amber: Sure, whatever helps you sleep at night. You know you want to lick that boy from head to toe.

Me: Goodnight Amber... -_-

I quickly turned off my phone before she could respond. I stood and threw it on the nightstand before grabbing my bathroom bag and went to take a much needed shower with thoughts of licking certain parts of Drake running through my head. A cold shower it was then.

Chapter Five


The next morning, I woke up extra early so I could talk to Logan before class started. I dressed quickly and grabbed my bag off the table, locking the door silently behind me as I tried not to wake Rachel. I made my way up the stairs to Logan’s room and knocked softly, afraid that he was still asleep, or maybe even still drunk. A few Copyright 2016 - 2024