Torn (Torn Series) Page 0,22

seconds later the door swung open and Logan stood there looking like he had been run over by a truck.

“Rough night tiger?” I asked as I pushed past him and sat down on his bed.

He held his head and groaned, “Do you have to talk so loud?”

I giggled and whispered an apology.

“So what are you doing up this early? I don’t think you’ve ever been awake this early in your life.”

My eyes were suddenly mesmerized by my shoes as I debated on what to say first.

“Quit staring at your shoes, it’s a dead giveaway that you’re trying to avoid me. What’s up?”

I took a deep breath as he sat down beside me and waited for me to start talking. “I wanted to talk to you about a couple things actually. Just let me say what I have to say then you can fight with me ok?”

He nodded and gave me a confused look, “Ok… Go for it.”

“Alright, listen. I know you are just trying to watch out for me, and I love knowing that you care enough to do it, but you have got to back off with the whole overprotective brother thing.”

He opened his mouth to speak but I put my hand over it.

“Let me finish. You and Amber know everything that happened with my mom, so you know I am more than capable of taking care of myself. You have got to let me live my life Logan. I’m going to do something stupid from time to time, I’m going to get hurt, Hell I might even get stupid drunk and have a crazy orgy, but they’re my mistakes to make and I need to make them. You can’t shelter me from everything, and honestly, you’re smothering me to death.” I lowered my hand from his mouth and waited for him to speak.

He sighed and his shoulders slumped, “I didn’t realize I was smothering you Chloe. Honest. I promise to try to back off, but sometimes I can’t help it. Protecting you is second nature to me.”

“All I can ask of you is to try.”

He pulled me into his arms and hugged me, “Is that all you wanted to talk about?”

I pulled away from him gently as I spoke, “No, I wanted to ask you to try to be nicer to Drake. He seems like he likes to hang out with us, which means he is going to be around. It would make me feel a lot better if I didn’t have to worry about you ripping his head off every time I turn around. Can you try to get along with him for me? He’s a really nice guy, you might even be friends if you tried being nice to him.”

Logan frowned, “I don’t like the way he looks at you when you’re not looking. He wants you, and anyone with eyes can see it.”

I shook my head, even though I was starting to think he did after dancing with him last night. “We’re just friends. Please try to get along with him, for me.”

He sighed and ran a hand across his face, “Alright, I’ll try. But I’m not promising anything.”

I smiled at him, “Thank you, that’s all I’m asking. Now, what was up the drinking last night? I have never seen you that drunk before.”

“I’ve just had some stuff on in my head. I started talking to Chastity and ended up drinking more than I planned. I’m sorry if I acted like an idiot, I don’t remember much after I was at the bar with her.”

“The girl I showed you, that’s Chastity?”

He nodded, “Yeah, she seemed nice from what I can remember.”

I laughed, “I’m glad. So you don’t remember anything after you were at the bar?”

“Not really, I remember you getting me to the car, Drake hauling my ass in here, none too gently might I add, and you taking my shoes off. That’s it.”

My stomach dropped as I realized he didn’t remember kissing me. I had no idea if I should tell him or not.

“What’s wrong Chloe? You have an awful look on your face.”

“Um, you don’t remember anything after that?”

Logan shook his head, “No, nothing. Why? Did I do something stupid? I did, didn’t I? I can tell by the look you’re giving me,” He took my hand in his, “Tell me what I did. Please.”

I looked at our hands as I whispered, “You pulled me down on top of you and kissed me.”

He dropped my hand and jumped off the bed. “I did Copyright 2016 - 2024