Torn (Torn Series) Page 0,20

my friend. Come on, let’s get you home,” I glanced over my shoulder at Drake. “Can you find Amber while I get him to the car?”

His eyes went to Logan, “Why don’t I get him outside and you find Amber?”

I shook my head, “I don’t think that’s such a great idea, he’s not exactly your biggest fan. Seeing as he’s completely trashed, I think you’d both be safer if I went with him.”

Drake hesitated for a minute before nodding and handing me his keys, “Alright, I’ll find Amber and be out in a few.”

I turned back to Logan and wrapped my arm around his waist, “Come on big guy, let’s get you to the car.”

We made our way slowly through the crowd, bumping into several people as we went, and out the door into the cool night air. I kept my arm wrapped around Logan as he stumbled and swayed his way along beside me. We finally reached the car and I unlocked it. I opened the rear door and gently shoved him inside. He fell into the seat groaning as I closed his door and made my way around the car and opened my door, sliding in beside him.

As soon as I sat down, he laid down in the cramped space, resting his head on my lap. I sat running my fingers through his hair as he mumbled something and started snoring softly. Logan never drank this much and it worried me.

When he woke up tomorrow, I was going to have a talk with him about this crap. I had spent too many nights trying to take care of my drunken mother when she would let me to have to take care of Logan like this. I closed my eyes and let my head fall back and rest on the headrest as I listened to his snores.

I was starting to doze off when one of the doors opened and my eyes flew open at the sound. Drake and Amber got in the car and Drake turned to face me holding out his hand for the keys. I gently pushed Logan’s head out of the way as I grabbed them out of my pocket and tossed them to him. He caught them and turned to start the car without a word. He peeled out of the parking lot, tires squealing as he flew down the road back to our dorm.

Amber looked back at us with concern, “Is he ok? Drake said he was pretty wasted.”

I nodded, “Yeah, he just needs to sleep it off.”

Drake glanced at me in the rearview mirror. “Is he always that much of an asshole?”

“Shut up, he just had too much to drink.”

Drake turned his attention back to the road and I sighed. This night had been a disaster, except dancing with Drake, that had definitely been the highlight of the evening. We rode the rest of the way in silence. Drake pulled up in front of our dorm and stepped out to open Logan’s door. As soon as he opened it, he pulled Logan out of my lap.

“Hey asshat, wake up. We’ve got to get your sorry ass upstairs.”

Logan groaned as he opened his eyes and let Drake pull him out of the car. I quickly exited and ran around the car to help Drake walk him inside. We made our way slowly to the building, one of us on each side to help support him as Amber rushed ahead and opened the door to let us in. We told Amber goodnight at the entrance and turned to the stairwell.

Getting him up the stairs was a nightmare, but somehow we managed. As we reached his door, I put my hand in his pants pocket and pulled his keys out.

“Next time you reach in my pocket, move your hand to the left a little,” Logan grumbled as he leaned against the wall with Drake supporting him, his eyelids fluttering open slightly.

I smacked him in the chest before unlocking the door and stepping back to let him and Drake pass through. Drake walked him to his bed and shoved him down onto it.

Logan groaned and rolled to his side as his eyes landed on me, “Come help me Chloe.”

I walked over to the bed and started pulling his shoes off. Drake stood off to the side, watching me with a strange expression.

“Thanks for your help Drake, but I’ve got it from here.”

He smirked, “Yeah, I’m sure you do.”

He waved as he left, closing the door behind him Copyright 2016 - 2024