The Texan's Contract Marriage - By Sara Orwig Page 0,55

her own. Of course, I’m delighted because he’s so little. When he’s gets bigger and can talk, I’ll feel better about hiring a nanny and letting her go. My parents wish they could spend more time with Noah, but they both work full-time.”

“That will change for your mom. You’ll be able to afford to help them.”

“We have so many changes in our lives.”

“I hope you like the ranch and life there. To me, it’s the best place on earth.”

“I won’t know until I try,” she said, but it was difficult to imagine the life awaiting her.

“I told Zeb to fly over the ranch so you can see it from the air.”

“I’ll tell Ashley. That will be fun to see,” she said, turning to her sister.

When Marek finally told her they were flying over the ranch, she and Ashley both turned to the windows. Marek leaned close, his shoulder touching hers. “I think you can tell the main house where I live.”

“There’s a town below.”

“No, that’s the ranch.”

“Ashley, Marek said the ranch is below,” Camille said, unable to take her eyes off the structures spread below. “You have a palace. It’s huge, and there’s an enormous swimming pool. Why all the homes near your house?”

“For staff. Jess has one.”

“This isn’t what I imagined at all,” Camille said, astounded at everything she saw below. “You have your own small town.”

“Not quite,” he said, laughing. “It’s home and I love it. I’m going to love having you in it.”

She smiled at him, happy about his statement.

The plane headed south and she sat back, astonished by what she had seen.

“All of that belongs to you?” Ashley asked, looking dismayed.

“Yes, it does. You’ll like it, Ashley. You’ll see.”

They landed in town and then climbed into a waiting limo for the drive to the ranch, which took almost as long as the flight had taken.

They sped along a deserted gray ribbon of highway, passing land covered with feathery mesquite bent from the prevailing south winds. Green cacti sprouted across the land beneath the mesquite.

The moment the ranch house loomed in sight, Camille’s breath stopped and she gazed out the window. Stunned, she looked at a one-story palatial home that looked far bigger from the ground than it had from the air. “My heavens,” she gasped softly, turning to look again at the powerful rancher she had married.


The ranch house and other structures spread in all directions with wings built on the mansion. The ranch revealed Marek’s power and wealth far more than the Dallas home, which had been lavish, comfortable and well-appointed. This was a town with an enormous home at the center.

When she glanced at Marek, he looked back at her with his eyebrows arching. “What?” he asked.

“More than ever, your ranch is an indication of your immense wealth,” she said. She didn’t add power, but she shuddered slightly, reminded again how easily he could take her to court now to get custody of Noah. By marrying Marek, she had given him far more control over her baby.

Smiling at her, he reached over to take her hand. “Stop looking at me as if I’d just grown fangs. I’m the same person and, basically, a cowboy. All the buildings serve ranch purposes or are homes for my staff and the cowboys who work for me.”

“It’s an enormous compound.”

“It seems large because you’re unaccustomed to it. The first thing I’d like to show you is our bedroom,” he said, desire plain in the depths of his dark eyes.

“That may have to wait until later,” she answered, a breathlessness coming into her voice along with eager anticipation. His innuendo was plain. He was beginning to flirt more, making more innuendos. Subtle changes in him were surfacing and she wondered about their significance. Were his feelings shifting, too?

He held her hand and she glanced down, looking at their entwined fingers. More and more he casually hugged her, held her hand, touched her. He spent time with her when he was home. How important was she in his life? And there was also the persistent worry: if he ever fell in love, could she cope with a commitment that would complicate her career? It was a small problem next to how much she wanted his love. She was confident if there was mutual love, she could work through the complications.

They went through another tall iron gate, this one closed with a code to punch to open the gate. In minutes the limo rolled through and shortly they approached the main Copyright 2016 - 2024