The Texan's Contract Marriage - By Sara Orwig Page 0,56

house, a sprawling stucco structure with north and south wings.

The yard had a tall, ornate iron fence surrounding well-kept grounds with tall shade trees and beds of colorful spring flowers. Red, pink and purple crepe myrtle bushes flanked the front porch that ran the length of the house. In front of the house was a pond with three fountains.

They circled the house, driving around and passing a corral with a large barn. Beyond it were rows of stables and another corral. Buildings and houses could be seen farther to the north. Beyond the well-kept yard the land returned to the wild mesquite and cacti she had seen on the drive from the airport.

When she had told Ashley she would move into his bedroom, her sister had arched her eyebrows. “Is that what you want?”

“Yes, it is,” Camille answered.

“You’re in love with him,” Ashley said.

“How’d you know?” Camille asked her, surprised. “Does it show?”

“I know because I’m your sister. I don’t think it’s obvious otherwise. I don’t think Stephanie ever noticed.”

“Stephanie hasn’t been around as much as you have.”

“No, but I’ve known for a while. Since you came back from your honeymoon.”

“I think before that,” Camille admitted.

“I don’t blame you. He’s a great guy, Camille, and I hope he doesn’t break your heart because he was so deeply in love with his late fiancée.”

“I know. You can’t control the feelings in your heart for someone.”

“Try to take care of yourself.”

“I have Noah to love—that keeps me from hurting too badly over anything else. I have my career. That will always take my thoughts off my private life,” Camille answered, doubting if her career would be enough.

“I just pray you aren’t hurt. He seems to have his heart completely locked away.”

“I can’t undo what I feel at this point.”

“Well, as I said, just take care of yourself.”

Camille gazed out the limo window. Would Marek cause her heartbreak?

When they parked to go inside, Ashley carried Noah. At the door, Marek picked up Camille. “Welcome home, Camille,” he said in a husky voice. Her heart thudded. If only he meant what he said! She held him and gazed into dark eyes as he smiled at her and then carried her over the threshold into an entryway. It was filled with hooks holding rain slickers, two tall hat racks holding broad-brimmed Western hats, boots lined neatly on the floor. He set her down.

“Come meet the staff, namely, my great cook and the man who manages this place. I doubt if the others are around at this hour.”

Marek took Noah from Ashley, and they entered a large kitchen that held stainless steel appliances and had an adjoining sitting room and an informal dining area with a brick fireplace filling one corner.

A black-haired man in a white apron smiled at them. “Ladies, I want you to meet Hector Galban,” Marek said. “Hector, meet my wife, Mrs. Rangel, her sister, Miss Avanole. This is Noah,” Marek said, turning the baby to show him to the cook.

Camille smiled and said hello to a compact man who looked more like he should be working with cattle on the ranch than in the kitchen cooking for a living. Barrel-chested with thick black curls, Hector greeted each one of them. They chatted a moment and then entered a wide hallway with a polished plank floor. Another man in black trousers and white shirt appeared.

“This is Cletus Byrne, who is my house manager and butler when I need one,” Marek said, making introductions.

Camille greeted another man who looked as if he should work out on the ranch instead of in Marek’s house. He was broad-shouldered and tall with sandy hair and a quiet manner.

“Cletus will get your things. We have a temporary nursery set up in a large bedroom where Ashley can stay with Noah. Let’s get settled and then I’ll give you a tour of the house,” Marek said, carrying Noah as they walked toward the front and down the wide hallway filled with oil paintings of Western art. In the wide entrance, a brass candelabra caught the afternoon sunlight streaming through tall windows that flanked the front door.

“Marek, this is a beautiful home,” Camille said. “Not exactly what I expected.”

“I can imagine,” he replied with amusement in his voice.

He took them to the temporary rooms for Ashley and Noah. “The master bedroom is at the end of the hallway, so you won’t be far away. When we take the complete tour of the house, both of you can look at bedrooms Copyright 2016 - 2024