The Texan's Contract Marriage - By Sara Orwig Page 0,54

he walks. He can get something like that for Christmas.”

“I might want to swing him. Babies like to swing.”

“In little baby swings. Let’s look at the brochures.”

For the next hour they pored over plans and brochures and talked about decorators and builders. Finally Marek took all the pamphlets and notes and dropped them over the side of the bed to the floor.

“Good. We’ll pick something out and I can have it installed so it’ll be in place when we get there. “I want to get the ranch house so it’s safe and comfortable for you and Noah because I want you to love it the way I do.”

She looked at him and he turned to study her. “What?” he asked.

“You’re turning into a great daddy. I’m amazed.”

“What did you think I was, some kind of ogre?”

“Of course not, but you knew nothing about kids and he’s not your baby actually—”

Placing one finger on her lips, Marek silenced her.

“He’s my baby now, Camille. I love him already. I want to start the adoption procedure as soon as we possibly can, and my attorney has been getting it lined up. I’ll be Noah’s dad and I want his last name legally changed to Rangel.” He put his arm around her shoulders. “We’ll be a real family.”

“That’s fine with me,” she answered. “That’s what I expected from what you have already said.”

They gazed into each other’s eyes, and her heart began to beat faster as the air thickened and desire blazed again.

He placed his hand lightly on one side of her face. “This is so damn good. I never dreamed it would be like this,” he whispered, before his mouth crushed hers and she forgot about fences and swings.


Monday they flew to the ranch on one of Marek’s jets. As she looked below, Camille marveled at the changes in her life. She was more in love than ever with Marek, a love that grew daily, and he didn’t have a clue. He sat beside her, dressed in a Western long-sleeve cotton shirt, tight jeans, a hand-tooled leather belt and Western boots, looking every inch the handsome, rugged cowboy. It was as foreign to her way of life as someone from another planet. Even so, right now, she longed to reach out and touch him, to hold his hand or even just flirt with him, but they weren’t alone.

She had chased stardom all her life. Now she pursued a man’s love. Marek had so much to give—and she wanted to give to him. His hurts would heal if he would open his heart and let in love.

She looked at her sleeping baby in his carrier, which was buckled securely. Noah wore a pale blue jumper and white shirt and she thought he looked adorable and angelic. Noah was blissfully unaware of where he was going or how his life had changed. He definitely had taken to Marek, and it was mutual. She had been astounded to discover how much Marek cared for Noah.

Wrapped in her own world, Ashley sat reading college brochures. Camille was happy for her whole family as they changed their lives and began to do what they wanted. Her mother would retire from teaching after the coming year and then she could spend more time with Noah. Now her brother could afford college easily. When they had last talked, Stephanie had bought a condo in Saint Louis and was acquiring new furniture.

Camille glanced out the window, looking at the sprawling land below. Her future was difficult to imagine in so many ways. Her attention returned to Marek. He was changing, but to what extent? He turned to look at her and arched one dark eyebrow.

“What?” he asked.

“Just wondering what you’re thinking?”

“Thinking about you mostly, but I’ve been going over ranch finances,” he said, putting away the papers in his lap. “Looks as if Ashley’s getting prepared to enroll. I’m not going to have to change my schedule on looking for a new nanny, am I?”

“No, we won’t. You won’t be getting one on your own, either. She’s trying to work out a way to take classes online and then go for those short, intense classes so she can continue as nanny until Noah gets older.”

He glanced at Ashley, who was concentrating on her reading. “I’m sure you’d feel better if she stayed on longer.”

“I would. I’m trying to stay out of it and let her make her own decision without any pressure from me. She came up with this plan on Copyright 2016 - 2024