The Texan's Contract Marriage - By Sara Orwig Page 0,53

as husband and wife.

But if he did, could she cope with Marek’s demands and the demands of her career?

She had to follow her heart.

She shifted slightly to wrap her arm around him. “Yes, I will move in with you.”

Pleasure flared in his expression, and he kissed her long and deeply. In seconds, caressing began and the conversation was temporarily over.


When they were finally back in bed, in each other’s arms, Marek faced her and brushed long strands of hair away from her face. “When do you want to move to my bedroom? Tonight?”

She laughed. “I think I am ‘in.’ Perhaps it will be easier when I move to the ranch.”

“Fine with me,” he said, looking contented. “I like this. It’ll be better. You’ll see.”

“I don’t believe you heard any argument from me,” she said, amused by his remarks.

He looked startled and then smiled faintly. “That’s good. We’re in agreement. Noah will like it, too.”

She laughed. “Noah wouldn’t care if we camped out at separate ends of your ranch.”

Marek had to grin. “Maybe not, but he will have fun being with both of us at the same time.”

“I’ll agree with you there, too.”

“This is good, Camille. Very good.”

“Don’t sound so surprised,” she said, finger combing his dark hair away from his face.

“I am surprised. I never expected to find happiness in this marriage, much less to have it happen so swiftly.”

Her heart skipped a beat again, and more pleasure filled her. “I’m glad. Some of it has surprised me. We took some risks.”

He gave her a piercing look and then his expression changed as his gaze shifted to her mouth. He leaned down to kiss her and pull her closer.

It was dawn when she lay in his arms with her head against his shoulder and their bodies pressed close. She looked at him and saw the steady rise and fall of his chest. For the first time in her life she was in love. She was more deeply in love with him each day. In so many ways, he captured her love, her heart, her respect, giving her joy and excitement. She expected him to be a wonderful dad for Noah.

Where was she headed with him? She hadn’t been able to prevent falling in love. How much could she steal his affections and bind his heart to hers? If she did, could she cope with the love of a man shared with pursuit of a career?


Through the days while they were alone at the house, they made love often with neither of them leaving the house for anything. When Ginny called, Camille longed to have Noah home again. Since Ginny and the girls sounded so overjoyed to have him, she would not do anything to cut his visit short. Once when they finished the call, Marek turned to her.

“You’ve given them the most blessed gift. They love Noah, and you can hear how happy they are to have him visit. I know it’s hard for you because you’re not accustomed to being separated. Thank you,” he said with so much sincerity, she was touched.

“I’m glad they love him. It’s good for him to get to know his new family. I want him loved by all his family.”

His gaze lowered to her mouth and he leaned closer. His kiss ended their conversation.


Late the next morning, Marek stepped out of bed. “Don’t go away. We need to talk business and I’ll be right back.”

Mystified, she sat up and pulled a sheet beneath her arms.

Shortly he returned with papers under his arm and a tray with glasses of orange juice and cups of coffee.

She laughed. “Marek, it’s almost noon and you’re bringing breakfast in bed.”

“Not a complete breakfast, but a partial one.” He handed her the tray. “Hold everything while I get back beside you.” He sat and took a cup of coffee and a glass of orange juice to place on a bedside table. “You can put yours next to your side of the bed.”

“Thank you,” she said, sipping the orange juice after she had placed the steaming coffee on the table. “What on earth do we have to do?”

“We have to childproof my ranch house fast.”

She laughed. “He isn’t walking yet.”

“I want to be ready when he does. I want you to look at some designs and you can help pick one out. We need gates on some of the doors and where there are steps. I want a play area for Noah with a slide and swings.”

She laughed. “Marek, wait until Copyright 2016 - 2024