The Texan's Contract Marriage - By Sara Orwig Page 0,50

slowly on his, catching his lower lip lightly in her teeth to stroke slowly with her tongue. He inhaled, gave a conflicted moan as he tightened his arm around her and pulled her hard against him.

His thick erection reinforced his scorching gaze. She slid against him, lowering herself from tiptoe to flat-footed, sliding slowly, sensually along his hard body. Desire pounded in her, a heated longing for total commitment from him. “Marek, I’ve been to a doctor. I’m on the pill.”

He kissed away further conversation. Yanking off his shirt, he tossed it away. While he kissed her, her fingers drifted lightly over him, tracing his sculpted chest muscles, bulging biceps, his hipbones. In feathery caresses her fingers trailed along his upper thighs in her fascination with his body, in her need to be as intimate as possible.

His raspy breathing deepened while his tongue was erotic, heightening her need.

Twisting her hips slowly, inching them over him so he would become aware of all of her, she let one hand drift toward the inside of his thigh and then trail higher.

He leaned away. His midnight eyes flamed with desire, a promise in just a look. Her heartbeat raced while he slipped his fingers beneath her shirt, moving with a tantalizing slowness that made her want to grasp his hands and place them on her tingling breasts as he watched her.

“Marek,” she whispered, wanting to relay her feelings for him, to declare the love that built each day, but she held back, biting back words while she let her care flow into her kisses.

His fingers teased, heightening her desire as his hands caressed her full breasts, circling each and avoiding her taut peaks. Craving his touch, she leaned away to remove her shirt.

Inhaling deeply, he held her to look at her, slowly letting his gaze consume each inch, making her quiver and ache with desire. With deliberation he pulled away the ribbon holding her hair, caressing her nape as he released the ribbon.

“You’re beautiful.”

“Marek,” she said, tugging his shoulders to bring him closer, but he still held her away. He leaned down, his tongue trailing lightly on her throat, down between her breasts, circling underneath as his fingers had. Warm, wet, his tongue heightened her quivering need. Her nipples throbbed, and she grasped his wrists to hold his hands, looking down at him.

With lips swollen from passion and his eyes black from desire, his gaze consumed her while his hands persisted in fiery torment. Desire overwhelmed her, burning, pouring over every inch.

“Touch me,” she whispered.

“I want you to really want my hands, my mouth on you,” he whispered, showering kisses on her throat and lower.

She framed his head in her hands, tangling her fingers in his thick hair to draw him closer, to place his mouth, his kisses, where she wanted.

“Marek,” she cried out in pleasure, gasping and throwing her head back as she clung to him and was immersed in sensation. Desire centered low in her. She thrust her hips against him and caressed him, her fingers shaking as she tried to yank his belt free and shove away the last clothing between them.

He stepped back to do the task himself, still watching her with hooded eyes, a blatant look that made her want to draw him close against her.

With deliberation she unfastened her slacks and let them fall, stepping out of them to kick away her sandals. His chest expanded as he drew a long breath, his gaze roaming slowly over her.

She hooked her fingers in the bikini panties, drawing them slowly down, spreading her legs slightly as she stepped out of the bit of lace.

With a groan that conveyed both need and urgency, he drew her to him. His fingers were everywhere, following the course of his scrutiny and then moving where his gaze could not go between her thighs.

His mouth covered hers again, his tongue sliding over hers with tantalizing deliberation while his fingers toyed with her intimately. Writhing with pleasure, she clung to his broad shoulders, a sensuous thrust of her hips against his hand as she opened her legs farther to give him more access.

While he kissed her, his hands worked magic, making her want him more than she ever had, more than she would have dreamed possible.

“Marek, wait,” she whispered, breaking away with an effort, giving him an intense look before she went down to take his thick rod to caress and kiss him. As his fingers combed through her long hair again, he shuddered, closing Copyright 2016 - 2024