The Texan's Contract Marriage - By Sara Orwig Page 0,49

again. On their honeymoon he’d wanted her. If she had cooperated they would have consummated their marriage. Even now, he was certain it was only a matter of time before he seduced her. She was a passionate, hot-blooded woman and they were just getting to know each other. He thought her reluctance would melt away because she was responsive to his slightest touch, flirting with him, physically aware of him.

Noah had contributed, too, in bringing him back into the world fully. The baby was adorable, and Marek would do anything to get a laugh out of his tiny nephew, soon-to-be-adopted son. Already he loved the baby as much as if he were his own. If only Kern could have known Noah—how much Kern would have loved the little fellow.

Marek prayed Camille accepted all of their arrangements and let him have a lot of time with Noah. “Kern, you have a fine son,” he said to no one. “I’ll do my best for him.”

Marek showered, climbed into bed and lay in the dark still thinking about the monumental changes in his life, thinking about holding Camille and making love to her.

He slept only a few hours and rose to dress, pulling on fresh jeans and a navy knit shirt. When he entered the kitchen he gave a swift appraisal of Camille in jeans and a red T-shirt. Her hair was caught behind her head in a red ribbon. She smiled and returned to feeding Noah and talking to Ashley, who was already back from visiting her friend. Her bags for her trip to Saint Louis were packed, ready by the door.

Half an hour after Ashley left for the airport, Ginny and her girls arrived to pick up Noah. She got instructions from Camille while Marek loaded the car with Noah’s things. The girls hovered over Noah, who seemed happy with their attention.

As they drove away, Marek stood on the porch with his arm around Camille’s shoulders. As Ginny and the girls waved, Marek and Camille waved in return.

“Thanks for letting them take him.” Marek looked down at her. “Don’t worry about him. He’ll have everyone’s undivided attention, and Ginny is an experienced mom. The girls have found a real live doll to play with. The whole family will hover over him like he’s suddenly been crowned king of the world. They’re only a thirty-minute drive away here in Dallas if you just can’t stand being parted from him.”

Camille smiled nervously as they walked back into the house together. “I won’t worry. I felt ridiculous giving your sister instructions. She’s had two girls and knows more about parenting than I do.”

“You’re used to Noah. All little kids are different.”

“Says the man who told me he knew nothing about babies.”

“You remember that? That was the first week we met.”

“I remember everything about you.”

“Do you really?” Marek turned her to face him. “Have you noticed?”

“Noticed what?” she asked, wondering what she had missed. “You have a new haircut?”

“No. We’re home alone. A moment I’ve been looking forward to for some time. Guess why?” His heartbeat raced in anticipation that had built all morning. He looked into her compelling blue eyes.

“I believe the look in your eyes gives away your answer, but I’ll ask. Why?”

“So I can do this,” he said, drawing her into his embrace.

She tilted her head to give him access to her mouth. He leaned closer, brushing her lips with his, a teasing stroke that caused her lips to part.

“I want you, Camille,” he whispered before his mouth came down on hers.


His tongue toyed with hers, fanning fires deep within her, making her want more of him. Her faint moan was barely audible in her own ears because of her roaring pulse.

They were alone, husband and wife. He had said he could never love again, and she was fully aware this was lust and went no deeper emotionally for him, but they were married. How much had he changed since their first night out? How much would he continue to change?

She framed his face with her hands and opened her eyes to look at him. His breathing was heavy and his eyes half-lidded with a sensual look that conveyed his intentions more than ever. His brow furrowed slightly. “What?”

“You’ve been up front with your warnings, Marek,” she whispered. “I’ll give you one. Guard your heart. If we continue, you may fall in love.”

A harsh, shuttered look changed his expression. “There’s no chance of that—”

She covered his mouth with hers, pressing her lips Copyright 2016 - 2024