The Texan's Contract Marriage - By Sara Orwig Page 0,51

his eyes to let her love him with slow deliberation.

She wanted him to burn with need, to be totally aware of her and want her with every fiber of his being. If she could never have his love, she could have his body.

He leaned down slightly to put his hands beneath her arms and pull her up to gaze into her eyes. “Someday I’ll have your heart,” she whispered.

“You’ve been warned,” he whispered in return before he kissed away any reply she might have wanted to make.

So have you, she mused as he kissed away rational thought. She held him tightly while he pulled her bottom up even more against him as they kissed. Passionate kisses increased desire until she wanted to hold him tightly, wrap her arms around him and urge him to fill her, to make love with her.

He swept her into his arms, walked to the bedroom and placed her on the bed. As he eased beside her, he continued caressing and kissing her. She wanted him with all her being. Their lovemaking had driven her swiftly over the edge. Running her hands over him, she caressed him, trying to drive him to as great a need as she felt.

So many things had been life altering between them—just meeting and informing him about Noah, then marrying him—something in her wildest dreams she had never expected. Now their lovemaking was taking them to a new level—a change from which there would be no going back.

He moved over her, trailing his tongue and kisses down, circling each nipple and then taking each taut peak into his mouth to taste and kiss.

When he shifted lower, his hand slipped over her thighs. While he showered kisses over her belly, she writhed in pleasure beneath him. His tongue toyed with her lush breasts, his fingers creating intimate pleasure, teasing, heightening her need until her pulse pounded and she clung to him, crying out for him in urgency.

“Marek, come here.”

“I’m here, and you’re fantastic,” he said, moving between her legs to trail more kisses along the inside of her thighs.

She cried out eagerly, her fingers winding in his hair while her hips arched to meet him as if seeking more of him.

“I want you,” she gasped, knowing he could never guess the extent of what she felt.

He placed her legs over his shoulders, leaning down to tease the honeyed place, stirring up a wilder storm of passion. Pausing to watch her intently, he kissed the inside of her thigh. “I’m loving you until you’re screaming for me,” he whispered before he dipped between her legs and his tongue ended any rational thought.

“Love me now! I don’t want to wait.”

“I want you to want me more than you ever thought possible,” he said.

“I want you with all my being,” she whispered, arching her back, absorbed by desire. She gasped for breath. “Marek.”

Her eyes flew open and she met his gaze, saw his intent and closed her eyes, wanting him and unable to wait longer. He eased partially into her, slowly filling her, a hot, hard torment more erotic than all else. Then he slipped away in a sensuous move that increased her need. She arched to meet him, and he entered her again.

She arched beneath him, crying out in longing and pleasure as they rocked together until urgency overwhelmed her.

Certain he held back to pleasure her, she thrust her hips faster until she felt his control shatter. His hips rocked with hers, tension reaching the ultimate peak. She cried out as rapture enveloped her and she soared with pleasure.

He followed, thrusting in a wild release that wracked him with spasms. His weight came down heavy, masculine, welcome. She held him tightly, feeling their hearts pound together.

“You’re mine, my husband,” she whispered, certain he wouldn’t hear her.

“Ah, Camille, my love, this is good. I never thought this possible. You’ve taken me to paradise.”

Flowery words, precious, intimate moments. She meant everything she said and she could only wish that he did, too. She ran her fingers through his hair, watching black locks spring away. “You’re a handsome man, Marek Rangel. And an incredibly sexy one.”

He smiled, showering light kisses on her face and throat. “You win that prize. I want to keep you in my arms all night long.”

“If you do, you know what will follow.”

“I have no idea. Let’s try it and see what happens,” he said, teasing her.

She smiled at him while she ran her fingers over his jaw, feeling the stubble that was Copyright 2016 - 2024