The Texan's Contract Marriage - By Sara Orwig Page 0,44

leaned close to kiss her, his mouth firm, demanding on hers until three men burst outside, noisily spilling past them.

Marek leaned away and smiled at her. “All right, we’ll go back to the villa. I’ll get the car,” he said, sending a text message.

“It was fun to dance. We did well together,” she said when he finished sending the text.

“Amazingly well. I’ll bet people who watched thought we had danced a samba together dozens of times. Frankly, it surprised me.”

“I had years of dance lessons when I was growing up. Someday we’ll come back maybe and try and see if it happens again.”

“That sounds good—someday we’ll come back. This is a good marriage.”

“I think you’ve had too much to drink tonight.”

He shook his head. “Hardly. I had two beers all evening long. I didn’t finish the last one, so it wasn’t even two. For a paper marriage it’s a good marriage.”

“There. That description is far more accurate. Let’s go.”

As soon as they reached the villa, they went outside for the walk along the beach that she had wanted. Kicking off her shoes, she listened to waves lap against the shore.

“I’ve finally cooled off. The bar was hot, dancing even hotter,” she said.

“Kissing you was the hottest of all,” he added, and she smiled.

“I could have added that but didn’t. This has been wonderful. Thank you for finding this place and the villa—it has fulfilled a dream I’ve had for a long time.”

“I’m glad you’re pleased. I’m glad you’re here for the first time with me. Tomorrow we’ll return home, and next week we’ll go to the ranch and plan the changes you want to make.”

“I need to get back the following week. It’s getting closer to performance time, and I have to practice. My time will be more deeply involved with my profession.”

“I understand. I may stay at the ranch some of the time and keep out of your way.”

She nodded, wondering how well they would work out their time and if he would accept the demands of her career. She suspected he was unaccustomed to having to give up anything he wanted in daily living.

“Stephanie is not interested in ranch life. Right now, she’s delighted to be going back to Saint Louis. I think she’ll open an office and work from there. She’ll do my accounting, but I’m going to hire another manager because she wants to go home and settle down. Remember, Ashley is going to Saint Louis for the week when we return to Dallas. They’ll both be gone and I’ll take care of Noah.”

“That’s when you’ll need to let me or Ginny help take care of him.”

“At this point, I feel better about Ginny. She’s accustomed to caring for a baby. You’re not.”

He smiled, and her heartbeat quickened. Her response to him was increasing instead of diminishing with familiarity.

After they walked along the beach, they sat on the veranda, sipping iced tea and talking until she realized the time. “Do you know how early we’ve planned to leave? It’s three in the morning.”

“With a phone call I can change tomorrow’s flight.”

Thinking about the week ahead, she shook her head. “We should get back. We have plans made and everyone will be expecting us.”

They walked to her bedroom door, where they stopped as they had each night. “It’s been good, Marek,” she said, aware of his disheveled state, his shirt unbuttoned, revealing his muscled chest, his tangled hair falling partially on his forehead. His shirttail was out of his chinos. He looked sexy, ready for love.

“Thanks to you, this trip has been a good one. Tonight was a blast and a relief to just let go in every way.”

She smiled at him. “I’m glad. Good night,” she said, reaching up to put her hand on his shoulder and kiss him lightly. The kiss changed into a passionate one that had them both gasping for breath when they stopped.

“Sometime, Camille, you won’t say no.”

“I imagine you’re right,” she whispered. She stepped into her room and closed the door, her heart pounding. “I didn’t want to tonight,” she whispered, touching her tingling lips lightly with the back of her fingers. She looked at the ring on her hand, watching the diamond sparkle. “Mrs. Marek Rangel. I want it all. I want your love, and then this ring will hold meaning,” she whispered, wondering whether he could ever let go and love again. She mulled over his remark earlier—I already do care. How much did he care? Tiny changes had Copyright 2016 - 2024