The Texan's Contract Marriage - By Sara Orwig Page 0,45

happened, and maybe they were making a difference in him. Would he ever fall in love or forever be holding a memory in his heart?

And what if he did fall in love? Would she wreck her life and the career she had guarded and given all her effort to for her lifetime? She couldn’t imagine living in isolation on his ranch. Voice and language lessons would be an impossibility. If he ever fell in love, was she willing to sacrifice what she had achieved?


The trip to Dallas seemed short, and she felt a rush of joy as Noah held out his arms and kicked his legs at the sight of her. She scooped him up to hug him, looking over his head at Ashley, who smiled happily.

Marek stood beside her and she handed Noah to him. “Thank you, Ashley.”

“Ma-ma,” Noah said. Startled, Camille looked at him and then at Ashley, who laughed and shrugged.

“He’s beginning to talk. He has a two-word vocabulary—ma-ma and bah for bottle.”

“I missed his first word,” Camille said, shaking her head.

“I did videotape it for you. I wanted to surprise you when you returned and heard him. Also, I’m going shortly if that’s all right with you,” Ashley replied. “I’ll stay with my friend Patty Collins tonight and be back early because I’m going to Saint Louis tomorrow.”

“Of course, run along. We’re fine, and we’ll see you in the morning.”

“Great to have you back,” she said. “I’ll see you later, Camille. Bye, Marek.”

“Goodbye, Ashley,” he replied, making noises at Noah that made the baby laugh.

Sitting on the floor, Marek played with Noah while Camille left to unpack. Later, she showered and changed to blue shorts and a T-shirt. She returned to find Marek holding Noah in a rocking chair and reading a story to him.

“He doesn’t know a word you’re saying,” she said, laughing.

“Look at him. He likes this. He’s happy and listening.”

“He must be on the verge of falling asleep.”

“You just can’t admit that he’s precocious and likes being read to.”

“No, I can’t,” she said. “And neither can you. Try that in the morning when he gets up.”

Noah wiggled and hit the book with his hand. “See,” Marek said, glancing at her. “He wants me to read.”

“You just go ahead and read. When you’re ready, I’ll put him in bed.”

Marek read softly to Noah without bothering to answer her. She stared at them, amazed Noah would sit still as if he were hanging on each word.

Marek turned a page. “I just have the magic touch.”

She laughed and shook her head. “What you have is an exhausted baby. I’ll bet he’s asleep in ten minutes.”

“Bet a few kisses and I’ll take you up on it.”

“I’ll win. What do I get if I win?” she asked, placing her hand on her hip to wait.

“What do you want?” he asked.

She tilted her head. “Live dangerously—be surprised. I’ll tell you when I win.”

“Deal,” he replied, his gaze raking over her before he returned to reading. Glancing at her watch to make note of the time, she left to write thank-you notes for wedding gifts. It astounded her how fast Marek had rooms remodeled and changes made. She had come by often to look at the progress or answer questions, but they had the house ready and the move was made three days before the wedding. Now she just had to become accustomed to a new home and the most luxurious house she had ever lived in. In ten minutes she returned and Marek looked up. “I win,” he said.

To her surprise, Noah still sat quietly in Marek’s arms. “You do have a magic touch. Although his eyelids are getting droopy.”

“Doesn’t matter. I win.”

“Then you’ll just have to come collect your prize later when he’s tucked in bed.”

“You can count on it,” Marek replied and returned to reading in a softer voice. Noah blinked and closed his eyes.

“That hardly counts because you just barely won,” she said. “He’s fallen asleep.”

“There’s no such thing as barely winning. A win is a win whether barely or by a mile. I definitely won and soon I expect to claim my prize.”

“I still don’t know how you held his attention for that long,” she said, looking at her sleeping child.

“You come sit on my lap and I’ll get your attention for just as long. I can do things that will make you sleep like a baby. Later.”

She smiled. “Although that’s a tempting offer, for now, I’ll pass.”

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