The Texan's Contract Marriage - By Sara Orwig Page 0,43

her hips while dancing in perfect step with him. She was taunting and sexy, and he wanted her. Desire burned hotly, more than the scorching air in the bar. He wished he had her alone, far away from a crowd.

The growing audience began to circle and watch, cheering them on, whistling and clapping until the end when they got resounding cheers. Exhilarated, filled with energy, he laughed as he pulled her to him. “Let’s give them a thrill,” he said and kissed her, dipping with her so she had to put her arms around his neck. Dimly, above his roaring pulse, he heard the crowd go wild with yells.

Wanting to take her home and to bed now, he swung her up to audience applause. “Take your bow. You’re a great dancer. How you did that and stayed as cool as you look, I don’t know.” They bowed and walked away while the band took a break. Marek wiped his sweat-covered forehead and pushed back tangled locks of his black hair.


Camille caught her long hair to braid it swiftly. “I need a clip or rubber band for this hair.”

He took her hand and they crossed to the bar to get one. As soon as she fastened her braid, he held her arm and they went outside, where welcome cool air hit her. He spun her around. Her eyes widened and she placed her hands against his chest.

While Camille’s heart pounded, he pulled her to him to kiss her possessively. She wrapped her arms around him to kiss him in return. His body was hot, damp from the dance, flat planes and hard muscles. His hand ran down her back and over her bottom and she was thankful they were at the bar and not at the villa with privacy and bedrooms. She still didn’t want to get into an intimate relationship and complicate their lives and do something that he would take as lightly as he had the dancing tonight.

His kisses stirred passion to a storm that buffeted her. In spite of her caution, she wanted him. She ran her hands over his back, wanting to tug his shirt out of his chinos but resisting.

His tongue went deep, a demanding kiss that shook her. He was not steeped in grief tonight. Far from it. He had been losing the past swiftly, and tonight his body was hot with desire.

Relishing their kisses, she didn’t want to stop, either, aware their location would eventually end their lovemaking before it went too far. Momentarily letting go of her caution, she kissed him eagerly, sliding her hands over his chest to feel the solid muscles. He was aroused, sexy. Knowing she shouldn’t, she couldn’t keep from wanting him. In spite of knowing he was a threat to her career, she wanted him, but she wanted more of him than just his body. Even when she shouldn’t, she wanted his heart.

His hand went to her throat and then slipped lower, over her breast, and she gasped with pleasure as he caressed her. She closed her hand around his wrist.

“Marek, we’re in a very public place.”

“There’s no one paying any attention to us. They’re all inside. You’re a fabulous dancer,” he replied in a muffled voice as he continued to shower kisses on her throat, moving lower. He shoved the neck of her dress lower to kiss her. She wriggled and stepped back, straightening her dress.

“We can go back and dance or go to the villa, but we need to stop the lovemaking out here in public.”

He gave her a long steady look before he finally nodded. “Which is it? What do you want to do? Dance more or go back?”

“Go back and walk on the beach. It’s our last night.”

“The last night of our honeymoon. We could make it real, Camille,” he said in a husky voice.

“You mean we could make love. It would not be real love between us, and you know that. You said you didn’t mind having a relationship without sex for now.”

“I didn’t think I wanted one. You’re making me want things I didn’t think I would. This past week—maybe even before—for the first time since I lost Jillian and Kern, I feel like life is good again.”

“Frankly, I’m glad. I want some kind of caring between us if we have a physical relationship. You agreed to that.”

“So I did,” he said. “We’ll have some kind of caring, Camille. I already do care,” he said, his dark eyes holding her spellbound. He Copyright 2016 - 2024