The Texan's Contract Marriage - By Sara Orwig Page 0,42

get through it. Thanks. You got me through this one and it’s been good.”

“Will you be all right tonight?”

“I don’t know,” he replied. “Want to come hold my hand and make sure I am?” he replied, a faint smile hovering on his mouth.

She laughed. “Good try, but not this night. You’ll be okay. Let’s have a sunrise swim.”

“Sure. Want me to come get you out of bed?”

“Another good try, but, no, I don’t. I’ll be up early. And I’m sure, as a rancher, you get up early every morning. If not, I’ll go on without you.”

“And me miss the sight of you in your swimsuit? I think not. I’ll be there.”

She laughed. “Good night, Marek.” He caught her up, holding her tightly to kiss her hard. Just as abruptly he released her.

“Some night, Camille, you won’t tell me to wait.”

“Just make sure that’s what you want,” she whispered as her heart raced.

“I can give you the same warning.” He left, closing the door behind him.

Staring at the door, she gave herself over to memories of the whole evening. Whether it would complicate her life horribly or not, she was going to fall in love with her husband. Or maybe she was already in love with him.

When she was ready for bed, she stepped onto the veranda outside her bedroom. Moonlight spilled across the water in one long, white beam. She was married to a Rangel now. Mrs. Marek Rangel. This was never how she had dreamed she would have her wedding night. It could have been different tonight. Was she ready for that big a change?

“It will work out,” she told herself, thinking how Marek seemed now compared to the day she had walked into his office. She thought about their kisses, escalating in intensity. She combed her hair back from her face with her fingers, thinking about being in Marek’s arms today, dancing with him, the moment he had swept her up to carry her over the threshold. Just when she thought she had him figured out, he surprised her. She finally fell asleep in a chair, dozing and then waking to crawl into bed to sleep.

The next two days they spent swimming, eating, dancing and getting to know each other better, yet all the while, she felt sparks and tension growing between them.

The last night they went into town to a show and afterward they went to a popular bar. The steamy bar was raucous, the dancing frenzied, strobe lights flashing. Marek unbuttoned his short-sleeve island shirt, letting go after the past month filled with tension and a strained wedding filled with painful memories.

Relaxed, he enjoyed dancing. Afterward, when the floor was cleared for limbo, they watched as a few patrons tried it. The crowd got into it, cheering on the dancers.

Marek had his arm around her shoulder, but he stepped out to participate. The music was deafening, and he concentrated on trying to get down. After the first easy try, they lowered the bar. Again, he made it to cheers and clapping. He grinned at Camille. They lowered the bar and he tried once again to louder cheers. He laughed as Camille gave him a thumbs-up.

Feeling sweat pour off himself, he motioned for another try, getting lower than any of the amateurs so far until he felt his balance going. He put down his hand to wiggle under the bar and bounced to his feet to cheers and applause as he bowed.

Laughing, he caught her around her waist.

“I didn’t know you were so talented,” she yelled over the noise of the crowd. He led her back to the bar and the bartender gave him a cold beer and congratulations.

“Hey, man, beer’s on the house,” he said, grinning.

As Marek took a long drink, Camille laughed. They walked back into the crowd to watch the dancers until the professional dancer returned to outdo everyone else.

When they stopped the limbo, a samba began, and Marek took her hand to dance. He already knew she was an excellent dancer. As she followed his moves across the dance floor, he realized they were in perfect step. Her red dress with a halter top had a skirt that was fitted over her hips and then flared fully below. With every turn her legs were revealed, drawing an audience quickly.

With his gaze locked with hers they danced in unison as if they had practiced for weeks. The fast, sexy dance sent his heart racing. Every move felt even more exhilarating. He watched her twist Copyright 2016 - 2024