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Read The Texan's Contract Marriage - By Sara Orwig 1 Page 41 Book Online,The Texan's Contract Marriage - By Sara Orwig 1 Page 41 Free Book Online Read

The Texan's Contract Marriage - By Sara Orwig Page 0,41

Jess runs the ranch when you’re not there.”

“Jess runs the ranch when I’m there and when I’m not there.”

“He’s sort of closed off from the world. Or maybe just quiet. Is he married?”

“No. Jess is closed off from the world to a degree. Jess had a wife and son. They were killed in a car wreck years ago. If anyone understands what I’ve felt, it’s Jess. He never married again. He has a solitary life, but he gets along. We understand each other, and I can count on him.”

“That’s dreadful. Both of you with such similar losses.”

“He’s never had to say anything. He’s just been there for me, which helped. After the plane crash sometimes he’d come up to the house in the evening and bring cold beer. We’d sit, drink and maybe not say three words all evening, just sit on the porch and sip beer. It helped just to know he understood and he was there.”

“I’m glad you had somebody.”

“Jess is all for this marriage and bringing Noah into our lives.”

“You just never know what problems other people carry around,” she said quietly. “I’ve been fortunate.”

“When we get back, we’ll get your things, Ashley’s and Noah’s moved to the ranch.”

“Noah growing up a little cowboy—that seems impossible.”

“It’s possible. I’ll get a horse for you. You can ride with me early in the mornings if you’d like. This time of year it’s beautiful out.”

She laughed. “I don’t know one thing about horses, but I would love to learn. That sounds fun, Marek.”

“Life’s a blast for you, isn’t it?”

“A lot of the time. It’s a lot of work and sometimes scary, too.”

Finally, she said she would turn in.

“Before you do, let’s walk on the beach. The moon is out and I think you’ll like a stroll. You can’t do that at home.”

With his arm draped casually across her shoulders, they walked along the sandy beach, where flickering torches cast yellow-and-orange reflections over the dark waters and highlighted whitecaps. When he walked with her to her bedroom door, she turned to face him.

“This is a weird wedding night, Camille. You’re getting shortchanged here.”

“No, I’m not. I’m getting a lot from this marriage. I expect a lot.”

One dark eyebrow arched. “How’s that? Don’t expect me to fall in love. I’m coming out of my grief, I’ll admit, but I’ll never be in—” She placed her finger on his mouth.

“That wasn’t what I was talking about, but that, too. You don’t know what lies ahead. I expect you to be a father for Noah. A good father. You’ve given us a fortune. Because of this marriage, I’m wealthy and my family has options and can do things they could not have done otherwise.”

“You see the world through rose-colored glasses.”

“Maybe, but that makes for a pretty world,” she said, smiling at him. She stood on tiptoe, wrapped her arm around his neck and kissed him on the mouth. She wanted to shake him out of his insulated world. Marek’s arm circled her waist and he returned her kiss, holding her tightly while he wound his other hand in her hair. Her pulse roared in her ears and her heartbeat raced as she kissed him, pouring herself into the kiss, wanting to break through the barriers around his heart. She had started the kiss, but then Marek dominated, burning away caution, causing wild responses from her.

When he picked her up to carry her into her bedroom, she realized they were headed for a real wedding night. “Wait, Marek—” she whispered.

“You started this,” he said in a voice that was as deep as a growl. Giving her a searching look, he set her on her feet. Her heart pounded, part desire, part exhilaration that she had shaken him out of his remote numbness as she had intended.

“We stop now,” she said. “Weird wedding night or not, it’s been more than either of us expected. Far more than I ever expected. I still don’t want to rush complications.”

“I think complications are barreling down on us,” he said. “You have to take some of the blame. You’re filled with a zest for life that’s irresistible. I believe you started this tonight.”

“I don’t have any regrets,” she whispered and saw a flicker in the depths of his dark eyes. “I’ve had a wonderful wedding day. It’s not what either of us would have if we could have whatever we want, but under the circumstances, for a paper marriage, it was a great day.”

“I agree. I wondered how I would

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