The Texan's Contract Marriage - By Sara Orwig Page 0,17


“Your parents will be all right with our marriage if I accept?” she asked as the limo drove through the tall iron gates.

“I’m a grown man. Yes, I expect them to be all right with it. They’ve made a life for themselves in California and are busy all the time with social and charitable activities. Dad plays golf and recently fell and broke his ankle, so he’s on crutches right now, which will slow him down about traveling to Texas. My mom hates to fly and they usually drive, but that’s out until Dad’s ankle heals.”

“I’m sorry about that.”

“You’ll definitely pass inspection. Although they loved Jillian. They were heartbroken over the crash besides being so hurt over the loss of Kern.”

“That’s understandable.”

“I’ve thought this proposal over. You’re beautiful, and you’re a rising opera star. They sounded impressed.”

“This is their first grandson. Is that correct? Your sister has two girls.”

“That’s right. My parents are not into grandchildren as much as a lot of parents or they wouldn’t live over a thousand miles away.”

“So your sister is the person you’ll be concerned about. I assume she’s happy with this.”

“She doesn’t know about it yet. I wanted to talk to you first.”

“Have you told Mr. Grayson?”

“Yes, I discussed it with him. Jess approves.”

“That surprises me. You’re very close to him, aren’t you?”

“Sometimes I think he’s more my dad than my own father. He taught me a lot about the ranch. He’s been around as far back as I can remember. I’m closer to him than I am to my parents. They were always busy, but Jess had time for me and Kern. Actually, for Ginny, too, but she didn’t hang out with him when she became a teenager. I did a lot. Now Jess is a best friend, maybe sometimes still a dad.”

“You can’t beat that combination,” she said, smiling at him. “I’m glad you have someone like that even though no one can take away your grief or replace your brother. But your sister may not be happy to see you marry without love.”

“Ginny will adjust. She knows I’m doing what I want. I take it you’re close to your sisters.”

“I’m closest to Ashley,” Camille replied. She lapsed into silence for a time. “My head is spinning with all this. I can’t believe this is happening.”

“My offer is real, and I hope you accept. I know you didn’t have it in your plans to share Noah a lot of the time, but I think when we do this, it will work out where both of us are happy. I hope you’d rather have him with Jess and me out on the ranch some of the time than backstage going from pillar to post.”

“Backstage is exciting to me, but backstage will not begin to hold the draw for him that your ranch will.”

“If you accept, the Circle R will be his ranch, too,” Marek replied. Startled, she stared at him, thinking about all the changes in their lives. If she married Marek, Noah would become Marek’s heir.

She shook her head. “The whole thing is staggering. You’re a very wealthy, powerful man. I forget about that when I’m with you, but then moments come when I’m reminded about your status. Is this a command instead of an offer?”

“Of course not. We’ll negotiate, but I’ve tried to be generous.”

“You’ve been generous far beyond my imagination. When I met Kern, I didn’t know how wealthy your family is. I’m not from Texas and at that time had never heard of the Rangels. Your brother was so down-to-earth and unpretentious. He was filled with fun and he was sort of happy-go-lucky. I didn’t dream he had this fortune. I didn’t know that until after the weekend.”

“That was Kern absolutely. Money meant little to him. We were born into wealth, and I’ve increased it. Kern worked for me and he helped. I’ve been lucky, but after a point where you’re comfortable and fed and have necessities, the wealth is not what makes you happy.”

“Whatever it was, your brother was a happy man.”

“If Kern had lived, you would have been Mrs. Kern Rangel. He would have charmed you into accepting. Kern wouldn’t have given up.”

They both became silent for the rest of the ride. At her door he took her hands. “Listen to me. Don’t worry. I want you to be happy. You’re Noah’s mother, and Kern would have done anything he could to make you happy. The last thing I want to do is hurt you. We’ll work Copyright 2016 - 2024