The Texan's Contract Marriage - By Sara Orwig Page 0,18

out something here. This is a start, but I thought a marriage, even though it is definitely a marriage of convenience, would be the best solution for all. Especially for Noah.”

She nodded, aware of him standing close, holding her hands, trying his best to be nice to her while trying to persuade her to accept his offer. If they married, could she avoid losing her heart to him? Or letting the marriage destroy her career?

“I’m a little overwhelmed. Actually, a lot overwhelmed. I’ll talk to my sisters and my family and try to get accustomed to the idea. Start thinking about a few more details regarding when Noah would be with you and when he would be with me,” she said, realizing before the words were out of her mouth that he had probably already planned what they would do.

“You tell me what you want on that,” he said, surprising her.

“He’s too little to leave with you.”

“One more thing to think about—when I have him, will Ashley stay? I’ll need a nanny.”

Startled, Camille stared at him. “I hadn’t thought about that, but she would stay with Noah. I’d want her to continue as his nanny. I’ll have to ask because she may not want to do so. Staying on your Texas ranch would be entirely different for her than traveling with both of her sisters.”

“That’s right. But if she’ll do it, I’d prefer her to remain his nanny. I think everyone will be happier, including Noah.”

“If she stays, it’ll completely change her life.”

He gave that faint crooked smile again. “I hope it’s not that big a change. We have a great ranch and I’m usually working from sunup to sundown, so I won’t be underfoot. I’ll pay her salary. Whatever it is, you can promise her a raise.”

“You’re generous.”

“If you let me have Noah part of the time, you’ll be the most generous.”

Once again he framed her face with his hands. “Camille, I’ll try my best to make you happy. I just want to be part of his life and so does Ginny.”

“I understand. I want you to be in his life. That’s why I contacted you in the first place.”

She gazed into his earnest dark eyes and wondered about their future. She had tied her life to his and there was no turning back now. He was unbelievably handsome, and her heart drummed. He leaned forward to brush a light kiss on her forehead, and then he stepped away. “I’ll call you about Tuesday.”

He turned and headed to his limo in long strides.

Dazed, Camille stepped inside, locked the door and leaned against it. Ashley stood waiting farther down the darkened hallway.

“I didn’t think you were ever coming inside. I know you weren’t smooching out there, so what was going on?”

“I have to talk to you. I assume Noah is asleep. Where is Stephanie?”

“Stephanie is out with the latest guy. Noah is asleep. You’re later than I thought you’d be. We can go anywhere to talk. The baby monitors are on.”

“Let’s go to my room. Let me see Noah for just a second. I promise I won’t wake him.”

“Sure. What did you do tonight?” Ashley asked.

“We went to his Dallas home and he cooked steaks. He had a staff to do everything else.”

“I can’t even imagine. What’s the home like?”

“Not as fancy and elegant as I expected. Upper scale, nice, but not knock-your-socks-off elegance. Very comfortable with everything you could want. Pool, patio, outdoor living area and kitchen,” she replied as they paused in front of the nursery. “I’ll only be a minute.”

“I’ll be in your room,” Ashley said, walking ahead.

In the rosy glow of a small night-light Camille tiptoed across the nursery to the high-sided white crib and looked down at her sleeping son. Her heart felt squeezed, and she longed to hold Noah close. Tears stung her eyes. No matter what they did, she would lose Noah some of the time. He would have Marek’s influence now. He would spend part of his life with Marek. Stephanie had been right. Momentarily, bitter regret enveloped her, and she wished she could go back and undo telling him about Noah. She reached out to touch his hand lightly, feeling the smooth, warm skin that was so soft. She had never loved anyone the way she loved Noah. Even though it would be difficult to live with, deep down she felt she had done what was right by revealing his existence to Marek.

Hopefully, Marek would be a good influence for her Copyright 2016 - 2024