The Texan's Contract Marriage - By Sara Orwig Page 0,16

strangers,” she said. “I did that once in my life, and I won’t do it again. Your brother charmed and captivated me that night. Now, a physical relationship will have to come later, maybe much later.”

“I keep busy at the ranch and try to do the hard, physical jobs. That’s helped. Remember, we’ll be married. You’re a beautiful woman, Camille. You’re getting shortchanged here, but you’ve told me you don’t have time for a man in your life and I won’t be in the way or demand your time. A physical relationship will have to be mutual.”

His answer reassured her. She smiled. “You’ll probably hope I’ll disappear for months on end.”

One corner of his mouth lifted in a crooked grin that she realized was about the best he would do for a smile most of the time. “I won’t be hoping any such thing,” he said. “We can work out a schedule. You think about what you’d like for a schedule.”

“I can’t even imagine. What about when I’m in New Mexico this summer?”

“You decide what you want, and I’ll look at it and we’ll go from there.”

She thought about all he had said to her as they sat in silence. “How different this might have been if Kern had lived,” she remarked, going from memories about Kern to thinking the two brothers were so different in looks, personalities, in nearly every way. The only similarity was their blood tie and their shared love of ranching.

“I still think he would have proposed and done something to convince you to marry him. He wouldn’t have wanted to leave Texas, either, any more than I do.”

She studied Marek’s handsome features. Mrs. Marek Rangel. The idea took her breath away and seemed totally impossible. Millions would be hers. She thought of all the things she could do for Noah and for her family. Marek would do so much for Noah that she wouldn’t have to factor in what she could do. It was staggering to try to deal with his proposal. But this was about so much more than money. It would give her a father figure for Noah. It would make him close with the Rangel family, and he would know ranching and a cowboy’s life. These were all things she wanted and the reason she had contacted Marek in the first place.

She had to think about his offer, discuss it with her sisters and with her family. Silence stretched between them. He sat watching the fountain, sipping his iced tea. How much had his solitary life contributed to this proposal? To lose his brother and his fiancée—the two people he was closest to and loved—that would be devastating for anyone. She could see why he had latched on to Noah so swiftly.

She studied his profile, his full black hair and thickly lashed eyes. What if she married him and fell in love with him? She didn’t want that distraction to her career. Even worse, Marek wouldn’t return her love, and that would be devastating. There were no doubts he would be agreeable to a physical relationship, but anything more? She believed what he said, that he would never love again. The pictures of Jillian had been breathtakingly beautiful.

“I guess I should go home and think about this. We’ve discussed it tonight, and I’m at least getting adjusted to thinking about your offer.”

“Good,” he said, giving her a bigger smile. “You’ll have to give up Noah sometimes, but you’ll be busy. You would have to anyway because of your career.”

She nodded and stood. “I think I really should go.”

He stood to take her arm. His slight touch caused another jump in her pulse. “I’ll see you home. Take as long as you need to consider my proposal and to talk to your family about it. When would you like to go out again?”

“Tomorrow I want to be with family. This is Friday. I’d prefer to wait until Tuesday to see you,” she said, thinking this would also give her time to talk to her attorney. “This will send my sisters into orbit. If I accept your proposal, our lives will have major changes.”

“Not anything you can’t live with, I hope. I tried to find something that would benefit all of us.”

Marek climbed into the limousine with her. As the limo pulled away, her gaze roamed over the colonial house with massive Corinthian columns along the front porch. This would be her home, too, if she married him. Dazed, she couldn’t envision that ever Copyright 2016 - 2024