The Temporary Wife - By Jeannie Moon Page 0,87

to help.”

“Help? Josh?” she asked. Josh never helped anyone except himself.

“Yeah.” Jason leaned in and kissed her temple. “Okay, you’re being released, and once we’re home we can get updated on the challenge to the court order. Harper’s been at it since yesterday.”

“She’s been so great. Don’t you dare fire her.” Meg would still be frozen in the driveway if Harper hadn’t come when she did, and she’d been nothing but compassionate since the whole mess went down.

“Really?” Jason found Meg’s shoes, slipped them on her feet, took her hands, and helped her stand, grinning because he knew she’d read his letter. “I guess she needs a raise.”

Meg agreed. “A big one.”


Once Meg was settled in their bed, Jason gave her the pain medication she’d been prescribed, knowing it was going to knock her out. She needed to sleep, and by the time he left the house with his brother to get Molly, she was snoring like a drunken frat boy. He was so relieved she was safe at home that he wondered when he was finally going to crack.

Emotions had swamped him when he’d helped her change and seen all the bruises forming on her body. All he could think about was how lucky they were that she wasn’t more seriously hurt.

“She’s okay,” his brother said, as if reading his thoughts. “And we’re getting Molly now. The sheriff will meet us at the gate.”

“I know. I just keep thinking about what could have happened.”

“But it didn’t, and your miracle worker of an assistant got this court order thrown out in record time. How the hell does she do it?”

“I have no idea.” That was the truth. He had no idea how Harper got anything done. But she always did.

“I could use her. The firm is in deep trouble. Having Molly’s money would sure help our parents out of trouble.”

When they pulled up at the gate, the sheriffs were already there. They’d sent two cars to help out. Josh pressed a button in the car that was programmed for the gate, and once it opened, the two county cars went in ahead of them.

It was five thirty. That meant his mother was on her second martini, having a strict rule about never having a drink before five in the evening. Of course, by six, she’d be starting her third.

He got out of the car in time to see Carla open the front door.

The sheriffs and social worker went inside, and Jason and Josh were right behind them. Carla smirked and looked at the brothers with skepticism and approval. Her smile said it was more the latter. “You two on the same team now?”

“Where Molly’s concerned, it would seem so,” Josh said.

“It’s about time,” she snarled.

Jason kissed her cheek and entered his family home for the last time. He’d never come back here. Never. This part of his life was over, and once Molly was home, he was going to start the next phase, the one that mattered, with Meg.

His girl. Always.


Meg watched the dark settle out the bedroom window and tried to sip the soup her mother had brought up on a tray. Her stomach was a little shaky from the medication and the nerves of wondering where Jason had gone while she was asleep.

“Not hungry?” her mother asked.

“No, not really.” She adjusted her body and moaned because everything was starting to hurt. But she really had to move. “I think my bruises have bruises.”

Her mom nodded and was right there to remove the tray so Meg could stand and stretch. She wobbled a little, and her mother stood by in case she needed a hand for support.

Walking around, Meg steadied herself and realized that standing was the most comfortable position at this point.

Turning slowly in the middle of the room, Meg tried to decide if she should crawl back into bed or opt for the chair for a while. The bed looked comfortable, but she knew she’d be even stiffer if she didn’t stay up.

Her mother was sitting in the chair by the fireplace that dominated one wall in the master bedroom and was looking at a book. Meg was still standing. “Do you know where Jason went?”

“He wasn’t specific. He and Josh were leaving when I got here. Something about Molly.”

“I hope she’s okay?”

“Will and Alicia are morally bankrupt, but they won’t hurt her.”

“I know, but she was so scared. She was screaming for me, Mom, and I couldn’t help her. I couldn’t do anything.”

“I know. Oh, honey, Copyright 2016 - 2024