The Temporary Wife - By Jeannie Moon Page 0,86

the petition was drafted a couple of weeks ago. There was evidence presented. Attorneys are working on getting it reversed now because it looks like at least one of the documents was forged.”

Jason leaned his elbows on the kitchen counter and dropped his head in his hands. “Jesus Christ, this is a nightmare.”

His cell phone started buzzing, and Jason looked at the unfamiliar number. “Jason Campbell.”

The voice on the other end of the line told him what he wanted to know about Meg, but Jason died a little when he found out where she was.

“I’m on my way. Thank you.”

Josh stepped toward him. “Meg?”

Jason could barely say the words out loud. “She’s at the medical center. She had a car accident.”

“Is she okay?” He’d never seen Josh concerned about anyone but himself, but he was concerned about Meg.

“They wouldn’t tell me. Oh, God . . .”

Harper was next to him, rubbing his back. “Go. She’s probably fine. Just go.”

Josh grabbed his keys and guided Jason’s steps.

“I can’t lose her, Josh. I can’t.”

“It’s going to be okay.”

“I’m the person I want to be when I’m with her.”

“You can tell her that.”


Meg lay on the treatment bed in the emergency room at the county medical center and wondered why God had let her survive the crash. When she swerved to keep from hitting a deer, she didn’t know that the wet leaves would send her hurtling into a tree. Right before impact, Meg wondered if she’d make it.

She’d lost Molly. She was tired of fighting. So tired.

Now she had a broken arm and more bruises than she wanted to count. Her arm had been set, and she was waiting to see yet another doctor when she heard a commotion outside the treatment room and saw people in scrubs go running.

There was a crash, the sound of metal hitting the linoleum floor, and then a big booming voice. Jason’s big booming voice.

“I don’t give a flying fuck about privacy! Where is my wife?”

“Sir. Please. I don’t want to call the police.”

“Call them! Go ahead! I want to find my wife. They told me she was here.”

Meg knew she was supposed to stay in bed, but she’d never listened to anyone before, and there was no reason to start now. And she needed to see him. To find out what happened to Molly.

Sitting up she felt a little dizzy, but once it passed, she swung her legs to the side and stood. Everything hurt. Everything. But she took some steps, and soon she was in the hallway looking at her guy. He looked upset and exhausted. His brother stood nearby, and Jason was listening to a nurse who’d managed to calm him down. There was a security guard standing by, but Jason wasn’t raging anymore.

The nurse patted his arm and he nodded. Then Jason turned his head and he saw her. She saw him mouth her name, and within seconds she was wrapped in Jason’s arms. “Oh, thank God. Meg. Thank God.”

He was holding her so tight, and deep down, Meg knew he hadn’t betrayed her. She could feel it in the way he held her, in the way he said her name.

He would never betray her.

“Oww, oww.” She suddenly felt pain in her arm and shoulder where they were crushed between them.

He jumped back a little, concern etched on his features. “Oh, God! I’m sorry. Jeez, did I make it worse? I’m so glad you’re all right.”

“I don’t know if I’m all right, but I’m not dead.”

“Oh, baby.” Jason stroked her face with one hand and kept the other laced in her hair. “I love you, Meg. I love you. I can’t lose you, and I will get Molly back. I will.”

She nodded. “Okay, I . . . I . . .”

“I love you.”

Meg leaned her head against his shoulder, and with a nurse directing him, he gently led her back to the treatment room. Once Meg was settled, she tried to relax, but she kept thinking about Molly in the back of the car yesterday.

Jason was talking to her doctor, and to her surprise, Josh stood by the treatment room door. He smiled and she was surprised again, because he didn’t do it that often. And especially not at her. Too bad. He actually looked like a human being when he did. “Hey there, champ,” he said.

“What are you doing here?”

“I’m the designated driver. Distraught husbands don’t belong behind the wheel.”

Jason took her good hand when the doctor left. “Josh is here Copyright 2016 - 2024