The Temporary Wife - By Jeannie Moon Page 0,88

I know.”

Meg was moving to the chair when she heard Jason’s and Josh’s voices—and then, like a miracle, she heard Molly.

“Mommy!” The pounding footsteps on the stairs were like music. “Mommy! I’m home!”

“Oh, thank God,” Meg whispered right before Molly charged into the room. She stopped running just before getting to Meg.

“Are you hurt?”

“Yes, but I’ll be okay. I can handle a hug.” Meg sat on the bench at the end of the bed and extended her arms to her little girl. “You’re home.”

“I’m home.” Molly cuddled close, and Meg didn’t care if she ached or not. Having her this close was a miracle after what had happened yesterday. Just when things were getting better for Molly, her grandmother traumatized her.

Way to go, Grandma.

Meg’s mother excused herself when Jason entered the room, leaving Meg with the man who changed everything for her. The look on his face was a wash of emotion. That he was home and that Molly was home were the only things Meg could focus on. The pain be damned.

He sat next to her, and his big hand settled on her spine. She could see he was wary of hurting her, so he gently rubbed up and down, up and down.

“Told you I’d bring her home.”

Meg turned toward him and looked up at him, examining his features, admiring his beautiful face, and loving his strong heart. The best part was knowing it was hers forever.

Meg kissed him and smiled against his mouth. “I love you, Jason, and there’s no doubt about anything.”


At night, the quiet finally let Jason think about everything that had happened the last few days. Today, especially, they’d been through hell and back.

Meg was on her side, asleep, her injured right arm resting on a small pillow between them. He hated that he couldn’t hold her, but her bruised body just couldn’t handle it.

He was going to go by the junkyard tomorrow and take care of all the paperwork. The car was totaled, and from all accounts, including the EMTs and police who were at the scene of the accident, she was lucky she wasn’t seriously hurt or even killed.

Her brother came out from the city to gather her personal items from the car and bring them to the house. He’d taken a few pictures, and Jason was glad Meg didn’t remember much. The image of her in that wreck was more than he could handle.

He could have lost them both. Both her and Molly, for different reasons completely.

And if that had happened, Jason would have been nothing more than an empty shell.

He had never understood what people meant when they said they were grounded, but being with Meg, letting himself love her, showed him what it meant. He had what mattered in the people in his life. His business, his self-importance, didn’t mean much if he was all alone.

“Why are you still awake?” Her voice was quiet, sleepy. “You have to be exhausted.”

He turned on his side and reached out with his fingers to touch her face. “I am, but I can’t sleep. Too much running through my head.”

“What are you thinking about?”

“That I could have lost you.”

“You didn’t, though. I’m right here. A little banged up, but I’m here.”

“Next week when you’re feeling better, we should go to the lawyer and tear up all the agreements. I want to be married to you without an expiration date. I don’t even want one on file.”

“Eh, I don’t know. The prenup is pretty generous.”

He laughed because he knew she hated all the papers. The day they signed everything, he had thought the documents provided the ultimate protection for a person. He was wrong.

Protection came from those you loved and those who loved you. From the faith you had in one another.

“So, when you get better, what do you think about getting started on some siblings for Molly?”

“Really?” Her smile was so wide, it could have blinded him. “I think it’s a great idea.”

They settled into silence, and Jason was actually getting sleepy when Meg spoke. Her question caught him off guard.

“When did you know?”

“Know what?”

“That you were in love with me.”

He thought about it and tried to pin down a moment, some event that made it more real. He came up empty. “Truthfully, I can’t think of a defining moment, because you were always there. You’ve always been my girl.”

“Oh, Jason.” Meg leaned over tentatively and kissed him. Then it hit her. He saw the light go on, and she made all the connections. Copyright 2016 - 2024