Reflected in You(47)

"It's like that."

We stood there for a long moment, surrounded by steam and secrets, physically close yet emotionally distant.

I hated it.

The urge to cry was overwhelming and I didn't fight it.

It felt good to get it out.

All the pressure of the long day seemed to flow out of me as I sobbed.

"Angel ."

Gideon pressed into my back, his arms tight around my waist, soothing me with the protective shield of his big body.

"Don't cry .


I can't take it.

Tell me what you need, angel.

Tell me what I can do."

"Wash it away," I whispered, leaning into him, needing the comfort of his tender possessiveness.

My fingers laced with his against my stomach.

"Make me clean."

"You are."

I sucked in a shuddering breath, shaking my head.

"Listen to me, Eva.

No one can touch you," he said fiercely.

"No one can get to you.

Never again."

My fingers tightened on his.

"They'd have to get through me, Eva.

And that will never happen."

I couldn't speak past the ache in my throat.

The thought of Gideon facing my nightmare .

seeing the man who'd done those things to me .

tightened the cold knot that had been sitting in my gut all day.

Gideon reached for my shampoo and I closed my eyes, shutting it all out, everything but the man whose sole focus at that moment was me.