Entwined With You(48)

“But what about—”

“Six-Ninths isn’t going to want their ‘Golden’ girl linked with another guy. Ruins the love story of the song. I’ll be speaking to Kline and we’ll get on the same page.”

“You’re talking to Brett?”

“We’re in business together,” he pointed out, with a twist to his lips, “so yes. And Deanna’s using Cary’s attack as a bluff. You and I both know there’s nothing there.”

I considered all that. “You think she’s yanking my chain? Why?”

“Because I’m yours, and if she had a press pass to any event we attended together, she knows it.” He leaned his forehead against mine. “I can’t hide how I feel around you, which is what’s made you a target.”

“You hid it well enough from me.”

“Your insecurity made you blind.”

I couldn’t argue with that. “So she freaks me out with the threat of the story. What does she achieve?”

He leaned back. “Think about it. The lid is about to blow on a scandal involving you and me. What’s the swiftest way to defuse it?”

“Stay away from me. That’s what you’d be advised to do. Distancing yourself from the source of a scandal is Crisis Management 101.”

“Or do the opposite and marry you,” he said softly.

I froze. “Is that—? Are you—?” Swallowing hard, I whispered, “Not now. Not like this.”

“No, not like this,” Gideon agreed, rubbing his lips back and forth over mine. “When I propose, angel, trust me, you’ll know it.”

My throat was tight. I could only nod.

“Breathe,” he ordered gently. “One more time. Now, reassure me that’s not panic.”

“Not really. No.”

“Talk to me, Eva.”

“I just …” I blurted it out in a rush. “I want you to ask me when I can say yes.”

Tension gripped his body. He leaned back, his eyes wounded beneath his frown. “You couldn’t say yes now?”

I shook my head.

His mouth thinned into a determined line. “Lay out what you need from me to make that happen.”

I wrapped my arms around his shoulders, so that he’d feel the connection between us. “There’s so much I don’t know. And it’s not that I need to know more in order to make up my mind, because nothing could make me stop loving you. Nothing. I just feel like your hesitance to share things with me means that you’re not ready.”

“I think I followed that,” he muttered.

“I can’t take the risk that you won’t want forever with me. I won’t survive you, either, Gideon.”

“What do you want to know?”


He made a frustrated noise. “Be specific. Start with something.”

The first thing that came to mind was what came out of my mouth, because I’d been buried in his business all morning. “Vidal Records. Why are you in control of your stepfather’s company?”

“Because it was going under.” His jaw hardened. “My mother had already suffered through one financial meltdown; I wasn’t going to let it happen to her again.”