Entwined With You(46)

I brushed the thick strands of hair off his forehead. “If you’re struggling, you need to talk to me.”

“I just want you safe,” he muttered.

“I never feel safer than when I’m with you. I need you to stop beating yourself up for everything.”

“It’s my fault.”

“Wasn’t your life perfectly uncomplicated before I came along?” I challenged.

He shot me a wry look. “I seem to have a taste for complicated.”

“Then stop bitching about it. And don’t move, I’ll be right back.”

I went to the master bedroom and swapped my garters, stockings, and bra for an oversized Cross Industries T-shirt. Pulling the velour throw off the foot of the bed, I went to Gideon’s room and grabbed his medicine.

His gaze followed me as I dropped off the throw and prescription before heading to the kitchen for a bottle of water. In short order, I had him settled in, the both of us huddled together beneath the blanket and the majority of the lights turned off.

I snuggled closer, hooking my leg over his. The medication prescribed for Gideon’s parasomnia was no cure, but he was religious about taking it. I loved him all the more for that dedication, because he did it for me. “Do you know what you were dreaming about?” I asked.

“No. Whatever it was, I wish it were you instead.”

“Me, too.” I laid my head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat slow. “If it had been a dream about me, what would it be like?”

I felt him relax, sinking into the sofa and into me.

“It would be a cloudless day on a Caribbean beach,” he murmured. “A private beach, with a cabana on the white sand, enclosed on three sides with the view in front of us. I’d have you spread out on a chaise longue. Naked.”

“Of course.”

“You’d be sun-warmed and lazy, your hair blowing in the breeze. You’d be wearing that smile you give me after I’ve made you come. We would have nowhere to go, no one waiting. Just the two of us, with all the time in the world.”

“Sounds like paradise,” I murmured, feeling his body growing heavier by the moment. “I hope we swim na**d.”

“Umm …” He yawned. “I need to go to bed.”

“I want a bucket of iced beer, too,” I said, hoping to detain him long enough that he’d fall asleep in my arms. “With lemons. I’d squeeze the juice over your eight-pack and lick it off.”

“God, I love your mouth.”

“You should dream about that, then. And all the naughty things it can do to you.”

“Give me some examples.”

I gave him plenty, talking in a low soothing voice, my hands stroking over his skin. He slipped away from me with a deep exhalation.

I held him close until long after the sun rose.

GIDEON slept until eleven. I’d been strategizing for hours by then and he found me in his office, his desk littered with my notes and drawings.

“Hey,” I greeted him, lifting my lips for his kiss as he rounded the desk. He looked sleep-mussed and sexy in his boxer briefs. “Good morning.”

He looked over my work. “What are you doing?”

“I want you caffeinated before I explain.” I rubbed my hands together, excited. “Want to grab a quick shower while I make you a cup of coffee? Then we’ll dig in.”

His gaze slid over my face and he gave me a bemused smile. “All right. However, I suggest I grab you in the shower. Then we’ll have coffee and dig in.”

“Save that thought—and your libido—for tonight.”