Sweet Joymaker (Indigo Bay Christmas Romances #3) - Jean Oram Page 0,32

some more. “I have a feeling you already know what she wants done with the machine.”

Maria nodded.

“So quit dragging your feet and make it happen. Or at the very least deal with it all when she gets home.” She tapped the end call button with a flourish and handed back the phone.

“How did that go?”

“You know… Whine, whine, whine.” She winked. “It’s fine. He’s just trying to do the right thing.”

They moved toward the checkout. “So, solved that one. Want to talk about your identity issues next, or should we jump right into your love life?”

“Neither of those are as easy as telling Levi to lay off for a few days.”

They laughed and Maria pulled Kit into a one-armed hug. “Thanks.”

“Anytime.” She studied her as they faced each other in the lineup. “So? What are you going to do about Clint?”

“I have absolutely no clue.”

“Make a wish and hope it comes true?”

Maria’s thoughts floated toward the Christmas tree set up in downtown Indigo Bay. Maybe she should have made a second wish the other day.

“He stayed on here a few extra days, you know,” Maria said, without thought.

“For you?”

She nodded. They’d reached the front of the line, and she unloaded her basket for the checkout clerk.


“He wants to pursue things. Seriously. Even back home.”


“And it won’t work, obviously.” Surely her friend understood all the reasons that idea was a nonstarter.

“You think the boys would be upset?”

She nodded.

“They’re adults, Maria.” Kit rolled her eyes and swiped her credit card to pay for the items. “They need to get over themselves.”

Maria held in a painful breath.

They had gotten over Roy and Sophia, but how often did they get together with their dad? Not regularly. Roy might be okay with that, but Maria wanted to see her boys as often as possible, even though they were all grown up.

And if her actions upset them while they were all living on the same ranch, how would that go? Not well. And not worth it.

“Do you need me to call Levi?” Kit began fishing in Maria’s pocket and she laughed and stepped out of reach.

“I’ll do it, you know,” Kit threatened, taking the shopping bag. “You deserve love. Anyway, they’re probably just not used to the idea of you with someone else. Or, for that matter, their mom wanting and needing love.” They headed out the door into the afternoon warmth, where the smell of ocean salt filled the air. “How did they react to Roy and Sophia?”

Maria shrugged. “Okay.”

“Are you too afraid to demand the same level of respect from them?”

“It’s different.”

“Bull crap. That thinking keeps women in their place.” They moved across the parking lot to Kit’s car. “Go find Clint. Kiss him. See what happens. Let the future in. And you know what I always say about the future.”


“It’s in the future. Don’t worry about it.”

Maria just shook her head.

“I’m serious. Quit being a chicken and go.” Kit gave her a push as though she had a destination in mind.

“Go to Clint?”


“And do what?”

“What I just told you to do.” Kit unlocked her driver’s-side door, then opened it with an exasperated flourish.



“I don’t know.”

Kit tossed the bag of supplies onto the passenger seat. “Since when has Maria Wylder been afraid of anything? Those boys can handle more than you realize. Quit babying them and go get your life back. Starting with that man who makes you light up every time you think of him.”

She got into the car and let down the passenger-side window. Maria tried the door. Still locked.

“I’m sorry, but you need some tough love right now, sweetie.” Kit gave her a forgive-me smile and put the car in gear. “You can thank me later!”

Maria, too stunned to do anything, watched as her friend drove away.

Chapter 7

“Kit says I need to get my life back.”

There was a moment of silence on the other end, and Maria wondered if her cell phone had lost its connection to Clint’s. She supposed, though, there wasn’t much of a reply to that statement. It also wasn’t much of a conversation opener when you were calling someone you’d just fled from.

Did she really light up every time she thought about Clint, as Kit had said? She checked her reflection in the craft store window. She was smiling.

He’d made a grand proclamation she couldn’t handle. One that had been completely over the top for this stage of their relationship, and her best friend had just driven off and left her in the middle of town.

And she

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