Sweet Joymaker (Indigo Bay Christmas Romances #3) - Jean Oram Page 0,33

was smiling.

She needed to get her head checked.

Finally, Clint made a sound on the other end of the line, letting her know he’d heard her statement about needing to reclaim the interests in her life.

“She left me outside the craft store.”

He made another small sound of acknowledgment.

“I’m sorry I ran out of the condo.”

“You know you’re important to me, right?” he said at long last. She didn’t answer, and he added, “And I understand that it scares you.”

It did. It scared her a lot, but she couldn’t figure out why.

No, she knew. She feared he would sweep her into his world, she’d fall in love, wrap her life around his, and then he’d leave. One day… he’d just go. Like her dad had. Like Roy had.

There had been signs, of course, but with her father she’d been too young to understand what they’d meant. With Roy she hadn’t believed he’d truly leave after all they’d been through together.

“I want to date you even when we go home, and our real lives intrude and everyone gets nosy and interferes,” Clint said. His voice was gentle, but firm. He knew what he wanted with such certainty. But how long would it last? How long before it changed into something resembling apathy?

She made a small sound.

“Did Kit really leave you at the craft store?”

“She was instituting tough love, apparently.”

He chuckled.

“She told me to reclaim my life.” She sighed, shaking her head at the moving clouds above.

“Sounds like that could get epic. Where are you?”

“Downtown. I can walk back to the condo.” It would probably take her half an hour, but she’d walked farther and in worse weather.

“I know a guy with a scooter. He could swing by and pick you up.”

She hesitated. She wasn’t sure if he meant himself or not.

“It’s me, Maria,” he said, laughter in his voice, as though he was sensing her doubts. “I’m the guy with a scooter.”

“I knew that.”

“Be there in five?” The question in his voice warmed her.

Was that why she’d called him? For a rescue? Or had it to do with that something that made her smile when she thought of him? That something she couldn’t seem to escape, even when she tried to run from it.

“That would be nice,” she said.

She ended the call, wishing they had more time in Indigo Bay to sort things out. They had only a day and a half left, and that wasn’t long.

What would they do? Could they bring this home to Sweetheart Creek like he believed? Before she could sort out her thoughts, the scooter glided up in front of the craft store, Clint looking like a hero on his robin’s egg colored machine.

“It’s blue!” she said, grinning. It looked good. Fresh, bright and retro. The thing had adventure and fun stamped all over it.

“One more coat of blue to go, then a clear one and it’s done.”

“But you’ll dirty it driving around town. You’re going to have to clean it again.”

He gave a small nod.

“I could have walked.”

“When are you going to learn you’re important to me?” he asked, handing her a helmet. “Everything that’s important to you is important to me.”

“Everything?” she joked, reaching for it. He didn’t let go until she looked up, met his eyes.

“Every little thing,” he said with emphasis, warming her from the toes upward.

He slipped off the machine as she put on the headgear, then helped her onto the small seat behind the driver’s. When they were both aboard he looked over his shoulder. “Do you want to drive?”

She shook her head. She was fine with him taking the lead on the small machine.

As they drove down the streets of Indigo Bay, they passed a stately woman walking her small fluffy dog. Miss Lucille.

“Told you it would look cute!” Clint called to her. She flinched when he merrily tooted the horn.

Maria giggled and wrapped her arms tighter around his waist even though she didn’t need to. His body relaxed, melting into her a little more.

“I’m supposed to be painting those stupid bags, but let’s go play hooky for a little while,” she called to him when he switched lanes to turn toward the condo.

He sped up, moving back into his original lane, then turning onto a narrow road that would take them along the beach. Maria smiled, feeling as though she was living someone else’s life. The thrumming of her pulse, the ocean air, riding on a scooter with a man who wanted to win her heart…

Maybe he already had.

Maybe things

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