Sweet Joymaker (Indigo Bay Christmas Romances #3) - Jean Oram Page 0,31


“Then let’s not make it dramatic.”

She felt a stir of discontentment inside. “We’re too old. Our time has passed.” She stood, feeling a great tearing in her heart. “I’m sorry. I can’t pretend I’m ready for something like this.”

“How about I simply escort you to dinner tomorrow?”


“I’m serious.”

“So am I. What happens between us in Indigo Bay—”

“Will be magnificent, spectacular, and something we will never forget.” Clint had stood up as well. He reached for her hand and held it lightly. “Know that if I fall in love with you here, I’m taking that home with me. Life is short, Maria. So here’s the truth.” He studied their hands for a beat before looking up, determination in his steady gaze. “I’m fighting for you whether you’re ready or not.”

Maria, still dazed from Clint’s proclamation, chucked tubes of paint at random into her basket.

“Are you sure you need this much pink?” Kittim asked, holding up a handful of reddish hues.


“What did Clint say to you before we left? You’re on a different planet, and it seems like it might be a hostile one.”

Maria blinked away her thoughts and focused on her friend, the craft store and her basket. Kit had returned from the neighbor’s moments after Clint had proclaimed he wasn’t giving up on Maria and a romance. She’d said the first thing she could think of to Kit.


She needed paint for the bags. Immediately. Before her ideas dried up.

Her friend had squealed in excitement and swept her off like Maria had hoped she would.

The problem was, Maria didn’t particularly want to create something for each bag, but she’d needed space. How could Clint be so sure? How could he be ready to fight for her? It had to be lingering feelings from his health scare. He was primed to leap on anything that moved and hang on tight in fear of losing it.

Maria’s phone buzzed in her pocket.

“Is that Levi again?” Kit asked.

She pulled out the cell and glanced at the screen. He’d already called her once and she’d ignored it. She nodded and went back to selecting paint, only this time with more care and attention.

“You know I don’t mind if you pick up. I mean, if there’s an emergency…” Kit was watching her from the corner of her eyes.

“There isn’t.”

The phone continued to buzz in Maria’s pocket.

“Did the boys say something?”

“I’m trying to have a vacation.”

Feeling Kit’s eyes on her, she explained, “They keep asking me about every little thing like they’re afraid to make a decision without me, but I know they know how to run the place. I don’t know where I fit into their worlds any longer, but this constant asking me about all these small things isn’t working. And then Clint had the gall to say he wants me and will fight for me. How is that going to work? He wants to date. Like, seriously date.” She threw up her hands, rattling everything in the basket slung over her arm.

She was trying to relax, but still had one foot back on the ranch, still needed that sense of control over everything. Why couldn’t she step away for a few days?

“You need to take a breath, woman,” Kittim said with a light laugh. “You need some time for yourself or something.”

“I’m trying! That’s why I’m here.”

Kittim gnawed on her bottom lip, her eyes wide.

“I’m sorry.” Maria sighed and added a few brushes to her basket, but they slid out the holes and onto the floor.

“Hey, no need to apologize.” Kit folded her in a quick hug before she could stoop down to collect them. “I get it.”

“I feel like I need boundaries between me and the ranch when I’m away. I want to be important to them, but I also want some peace. I’ve already learned that I need the ranch in my life, but this all feels so difficult.”

Her phone buzzed yet again. Kit reached over and fished it out of Maria’s pocket, then tapped the screen a few times and put it to her ear. Moments later she said, “Levi, honey, it’s Kittim. You need to let your mother enjoy her vacation, okay?” She listened. “It’s a tractor. Fix it or buy a new one.” She listened for another moment. “I know, but you’re a big boy. You can settle this. Your mom left you in charge of the ranch for a reason. Figure it out and let her enjoy her last two days, okay?” She rolled her eyes as she listened

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