Sweet Joymaker (Indigo Bay Christmas Romances #3) - Jean Oram Page 0,30

Time flew, didn’t it?”

“Yeah, but—”

“No buts. We’ll pick up what you need so you can release your inner artist. It’ll be a two-for-one deal.”

She leaned back in her chair and crossed her arms. “And if I say no?”

“Then I’ll paint them.”

She laughed, thinking what joyful fun creations he might make. “I think I’d like that.”

“Maria, that was a threat.”

She laughed even harder.

Clint slid his hands across her shoulders, turning her so her back was to him again. His arms went across her collarbone as he pulled her against his chest. He was hugging her, she realized, relishing his warmth against her right shoulder and part of her spine, his arms holding her close as his cheek nestled in the crook of her neck.

It was an odd feeling, and it reminded her of when the boys were adolescents. They’d ambush her with a quick hug from behind, needing the contact, but not the full-on mother hug that would embarrass them.

And yet this was different. She could lean on Clint, let it all go.

“Who would I be if I didn’t do these things?” she asked, curious to hear his answer.

“You would be you.”

“But who is that?”

His arms tightened around her. “You didn’t believe me when I told you who I see?” Clint’s embrace loosened like a knot under water, flowing away as he shifted to see her better. “Or were you just not listening?” His tone was teasing, but he reached across her face, stroking a thumb over her right cheek, and she shivered. The gesture was a test. A move that could be brushed off or taken as something more intimate.

She waited to see if he would do it again, what his next move would be.

“You weren’t listening, were you?” he scolded. “Or maybe you just love hearing good things said about yourself.”


“You’re an amazing woman, Maria, and I’d be honored to be your date.”

“You would?” she asked, amusement lacing her voice. When was the last time a man had been honored to go somewhere with her? “Wait, are you avoiding my question?”

“Yes, because I hate to repeat myself. You need to relax and enjoy yourself.” His tone was serious but playful, and she wasn’t sure how to take him. “Unfortunately, though, I can’t be your date for the gala.”

“We’ll both be home before then.”

Silence stretched between them. No doubt he was thinking the same thing—what would happen when they returned home? Would they ignore each other? Try to sort out how to pursue this friendship?

Friendship. It already felt like more than that.

“Instead we’ll have to have our own date tomorrow night before my flight. I’ll borrow Jeff’s truck and pick you up at five.”

“Wait.” Maria shut her eyes, backtracking through the conversation. “A date?” She leaned forward and turned as he released her, studying his expression. She couldn’t read his tone, but knew his eyes would give him away. Or at least hoped they would.

He had a bemused expression, the kindness in his eyes letting her know she could be herself with him, question things, make demands, and never affront him. But was he serious about a date? He knew this thing they were doing would turn into a mess once they were home.

Wouldn’t it?

“Go with it, Maria,” he said, his eyes dancing. “If I have to trick you into going out with me, then let it be. I already said yes.”

She chuckled, delighted by his ploy. He smiled back, the skin around his dark eyes crinkling. It was difficult to be too serious for too long while near him. He brought life and joy with him everywhere he went.

She knew he was being extra charming to woo her, but she’d also known him for years and knew this was a big part of who he was. Naturally. Even when she wasn’t around.

She caught herself leaning closer, waiting, wondering, dreaming. Clint would make a fine boyfriend. She already knew that. She enjoyed spending time with him; he made her laugh, was sweet and thoughtful, and felt like someone she could pour her heart out to.

She caught herself and straightened. “You know that anything that happens here won’t make it back to Sweetheart Creek. My boys…” She paused, thinking how they might react if she came home with a boyfriend. And how would it work, bringing him to the ranch that had always belonged to Wylders?

“Your sons are adults,” Clint said. “And so are you. And so am I.”

“And I don’t think I could bear inviting drama into my life right

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