Sweet Harmony (Harmony Falls #1) - Elizabeth Kelly Page 0,8

be this desperate for another man’s kisses when she was in love with Daniel, she said, “I want a real kiss.”

A small smile crossed his face and when he sucked on her bottom lip, she could no more stop the moan from escaping then she could stop the sun from rising. He sucked again and she put her arms around his waist, her hands digging into his firm back as he licked first her upper lip and then her bottom lip.

“Now you,” he said.

She licked his bottom lip with the tip of her tongue and then sucked on it. His soft moan made her pussy pulse with need and she pressed her lower body against his growing erection.

“Good,” he said.

Like a damn puppy eager to please, she traced his lips with her tongue before sucking on his lower lip again. It brought forth another low moan and tendrils of excitement wove in her belly.

A girl could get addicted to the sound of her dentist’s moans.

Before she could think about how stupid that was, his tongue was sliding into her mouth. She pushed her body against his, trying not to rub against him and remarkably succeeding, as he licked and tasted and flicked his tongue against hers. Feeling both bold and unsure, she sucked on his tongue. His hips jerked against hers - only a little - but her entire body tingled with delight at his reaction.

His hand tightened around the nape of her neck and he pulled her head back until she was staring up at him. He studied her mouth before nibbling on her lower lip. She gasped and moaned, her hands fisting into his shirt as he slanted his mouth over hers and kissed her deeply. He took control of her mouth, feasting on her lips and dipping his tongue between them repeatedly.

When he sucked on her tongue, it sent an answering pull of pleasure to her pussy. She rubbed herself frantically against him, trying to find some type of relief for the ache. He was too tall for his cock to fit where she needed it, and she was just considering hooking her legs around him and trying to worm her way up his body when he pulled away.

“Don’t stop!”

She blushed immediately at her begging and looked at the floor in confusion as Connor reached down and tugged at the crotch of his jeans. She stared at the bulge, feeling both stupidly proud of the reaction she had invoked and oddly ashamed that she would be so pleased by it.

She loved Daniel – seeing another man’s lust for her shouldn’t make her proud.

“I have to go.” There was a slight hoarseness to his voice.

“What? It’s only…” She glanced at the clock on the microwave. It was eight-thirty, they were kissing for a solid half hour and she’d had no idea.

He stepped back, adjusting the front of his jeans again. “Are you available to meet tomorrow night to go over personal information?”

“I – what?” she said.

“We need to get to know each other. I can drop by around seven if you’re available,” he said.

“Oh, right. Yes, that’s fine.”

“Good. Have a nice day, Kira.”

“You too,” she replied.

He left the kitchen without another word. When the front door slammed, she immediately headed upstairs to her bedroom. She needed to get to work but the crotch of her panties was soaking wet. Her face flaming, she peeled off the damp ones and slipped into a fresh pair.

* * *

Connor stared at his building. He was sitting in his car in the parking lot and even though it was nearly twenty minutes since he’d left Kira’s house, he was still as hard as a rock. He looked around and then adjusted the crotch of his jeans. Shit. Maybe he needed to go home and rub one out, then come back to the office.

Have you lost your mind? You have a root canal in ten minutes. Get your shit together!

He closed his eyes. It was a mistake. Immediately, an image of Kira rose in his mind. He could almost hear her sweet little moans and her begging for a real kiss. The way she was rubbing her tight little body against him this morning had tempted him to cancel his appointments and spend the day tasting and teasing every inch of Kira’s soft skin.

He groaned and stared fixedly at the steering wheel. He hadn’t expected to be so turned on by Kira. She wasn’t his usual type.

How do you know she isn’t your

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