Sweet Harmony (Harmony Falls #1) - Elizabeth Kelly Page 0,9

type? Because she doesn’t remind you of Lisa? That’s a good thing, you idiot. Besides, you don’t know anything about her. You’re too busy sticking your tongue down her throat.

Good point. He needed to focus. Making sure they looked and acted like a couple when they touched and kissed was important, but pointless if he didn’t know anything personal about her.

Kira was already much more natural at kissing him this morning, which meant they really didn’t need to practice anymore. It was more than obvious they had chemistry and it wasn’t like they’d be making out in public anyway. He was against PDAs in general, never mind that he didn’t want current or potential clients seeing him sucking tongues with or grinding away against Kira in a damn coffee shop or something.

His cell phone buzzed, and he grabbed it off the seat. Six minutes until his appointment. He considered letting the call go to voicemail before answering it.

“Hey, Mom.”

“Hey, honey. How are you?’

Like always, his mother’s voice sent both warmth and guilt through him.

“Good. Just about to go into a root canal.” He climbed out of the car and locked it before walking toward the clinic. “What’s up?”

“I won’t keep you long. I’m having coffee with Mandy and she’s reminded me that you haven’t RSVP’d for the wedding yet. I told her you’ll be there and that you don’t have a plus one, but she’s insisting I confirm with you.”

There was a muffled sound and then his cousin’s voice squeaked into his ear. “Dude, you’re killing me over here. RSVP’s were due two weeks ago!”

“I’m sorry, Mandy.” He yanked open the door to the clinic and stepped inside. His client was already there but his gaze was fixed on his phone, and Connor hurried past him, giving Keisha the receptionist the five-minute signal. She nodded and he walked down the hallway toward his office.

“It’s fine,” Mandy sighed. “I know you’re busy, but I really need to give the caterer final numbers. I’ll put you down for one chicken, yeah?”

“Uh, actually,” he sank behind his desk, “I’ll be bringing my, uh, girlfriend.”

There was silence. Faintly, he could hear his mother talking to someone else in the coffee shop. Not surprising. She’d lived in Willington her entire life and she knew pretty much everyone by name.

“Girlfriend?” Mandy’s voice was even squeakier when it was surprised. “You have a girlfriend? That you’re bringing to my wedding?”

Before he could reply, his mother was back on the line. “Connor? Why is Mandy talking about a girlfriend?”

He should never have answered the phone.

“Because I have a girlfriend and I’m bringing her to the wedding.”

“But,” his mother’s voice lost some of its oomph, “honey, what about Lisa?”

“What about her?” Connor’s voice was harsher than he intended. “We aren’t together anymore and haven’t been for a very long time. I have a girlfriend, her name is Kira, I’m bringing her to the wedding. End of story.”

There was silence and a fresh wave of guilt washed over him. “Mom, I really have to go. Can you tell Mandy that I’ll text her this afternoon with Kira’s dinner choice?”

“Sure.” His mother disconnected the call before he could say anything else.

He tossed his phone into his desk and slammed the drawer shut before grabbing his lab coat and yanking it on. Grace stepped into his office and gave him a cheerful smile. “Good morning, Connor.”


She checked behind her before lowering her voice. “So, I hear your wedding problem is solved.”

He stared blankly at her and she said, “Kira’s going to the wedding with you, right?”

“Uh, yeah, right. Yes.” Connor took a deep breath to clear his head. Disappointing his parents wasn’t anything new for him, so why was his guilt still clinging to him like a fine layer of dust he couldn’t shake off?

“Hey, you okay?” Grace asked.

“Fine. Just running late. I’ll talk to you later.”

“Sure,” she said.

He brushed past her, ignoring her look of concern.

Chapter Three

“A dentist? You’re gonna make my brother jealous by dating a dentist?” Addison sat down on the couch with a graceful motion Kira knew she would never be able to imitate.

She studied Addison for a moment. In contrast to Kira’s navy-coloured business suit, Addison wore a pastel pink, sixties style A-line dress that hugged her upper body and stopped just above her knees. Like always, her auburn coloured hair fell in soft perfect waves to her shoulders and her make-up was flawless.

Her manicure matched the colour of her dress exactly, as did – Kira took

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