Sweet Harmony (Harmony Falls #1) - Elizabeth Kelly Page 0,7

appear more real.”

“Uh, right,” she said.

He studied her. “How many men have you kissed before?”


“You’re not,” he paused, “great at kissing.”

Her face was so red she was nearly sweating, and she gave him a furious look. “That’s a really rude thing to say.”

“No, just honest. We’ll need to practice some more.”

She wanted to tell him to take his idea of practice kissing and stuff it up his piehole, but strangely the thought of kissing him again wasn’t entirely unpleasant. Besides, as much as it was a blow to her ego, he probably had a point. She’d kissed two men before him and neither of them had provoked the type of reaction that her dentist’s kiss did.

He opened the front door and asked, “What time do you work tomorrow?”

“Uh, I need to be at the office by nine.”

“I’ll stop by at eight and we’ll practice.” He left, shutting the door quietly behind him, and she sank against the wall, her fingers still tracing her lower lip. What the hell just happened?

* * *

Kira stared out the kitchen window and sipped at her second cup of coffee. It was just before eight and her insides were quaking with nerves and anticipation. She patted her hair a little self-consciously as she strained to hear a vehicle.

She was tired and on edge. It took her much longer than usual to fall asleep last night. Every time she closed her eyes, she relived the touch of Connor’s mouth against hers. The way his tongue had stroked and tasted, the feel of his erection against her belly.

She abruptly dumped her coffee down the sink and grabbed a mint from the jar in the cupboard. She crunched it down as she checked her phone for the time. Grace had texted her last night to see how it went with Connor. She couldn’t bring herself to tell her about the kissing, at least not over text, so she had simply said it went well and she would tell her more later. Now, she wished she’d mentioned the kiss if only to get Grace’s reaction about it. Maybe her dentist went around kissing random women all the time.


Yeah, she was.

The doorbell rang and she jerked wildly. She left her phone on the counter and hurried to the door. She took a moment to smooth her blue pencil skirt before opening the door.

“Hello, Dr. – I mean, Connor.” Her voice was too loud.

“Good morning, Kira.”

“Come in, please.”

He stepped into the house and she licked her lips. He was wearing a blue t-shirt with a pair of jeans and he smelled delicious.

“Do you always wear cologne?” she blurted out.

He gave her an odd look and she grimaced in embarrassment. “Sorry. You smell, uh, nice.”

“Thank you,” he said.

He didn’t say anything about the way she smelled, and she waited stupidly for him to tell her she smelled good. He didn’t say anything, and her embarrassment grew.

“Uh, why don’t we go into the kitchen.” She turned and walked away before he could reply. Her stomach was churning with nerves and her hand shook when she reached for a coffee mug.

“Can I get you a cup of coffee?” She turned, staggering back into the counter with a nervous squeak. Connor was standing directly behind her and she stared wide eyed at him.

“I have a root canal at nine and can’t stay very long. Let’s get started, shall we?” He plucked the coffee mug from her hand and set it on the counter.

Before she could even lick her lips in anticipation, his arm was around her waist, his other hand on the back of her neck, and his mouth on hers.

Don’t moan, she thought fiercely as he brushed his lips against hers in a light, gentle caress.

Be cool, Kira. It’s just a kiss, be cool.

She returned his kiss tentatively, once more mimicking the movement of his mouth, and tried to ignore the heat of his hand cupping her hip. He didn’t move his hands or his body at all, just kissed her repeatedly with those same gentle movements. After what felt like hours, she made a noise of impatience and parted her lips. She wanted his tongue in her mouth, wanted it so badly she was nearly shaking, and she couldn’t figure out why he wasn’t reading her signals.

She pulled back slightly and said, “Please.”

She was a little appalled at how needy and desperate she sounded.

“Please what, Kira?”

His low voice sent shivers of lust down her spine. Without stopping to think about why she should

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