Sweet Harmony (Harmony Falls #1) - Elizabeth Kelly Page 0,6

pose as my girlfriend at my cousin’s wedding, and I’ll help you make Daniel seethe with jealousy and realize that you’re his soul mate.”

She gave him a dirty look. “You don’t have to make it sound so juvenile.”

He just shrugged and she reached for the front door. “Thank you. I’ll get your number from Grace and text you in the next few days about meeting to go over personal stuff.”

“There’s just one more thing,” Connor said.


“This.” He gripped the back of her neck and pulled her forward. She made a decidedly stupid-sounding squeak when he bent his dark head and pressed his mouth against hers. She stood stock-still with her eyes wide and unblinking, as he slid his other arm around her waist and pulled her against his hard body.

When he sucked on her lower lip, a strange tingle went through her lower body and another small sound escaped her lips. This one, embarrassingly enough, sounded like a moan and she tried to step back. His hand tightened around her neck, holding her completely immobile. When his tongue slid across her upper lip, she heard another of those odd moan-like noises as her eyes drifted shut.

God, he smells so good, she thought bewilderedly as he tilted her head back. He kissed her again, his lips warm and weirdly persuasive, and it took her a minute to realize that she was returning his kiss.

Kira! Stop kissing your dentist!

It was solid advice, but her body was completely and blissfully betraying her. She pressed up against him and put her arms around his neck. He was so tall that it was a real stretch to do it, but she liked the way it forced her breasts against his chest.

His tongue licked the seam of her mouth. Her head whirling and her pussy suddenly throbbing, she parted her lips. He slid his tongue between them and tasted her with slow, long licks that made Kira shudder with pleasure. He tasted sweet like the iced tea he had been drinking. When she pushed her tongue into his mouth with a decided lack of finesse, he slid his fingers into her hair and tugged her back.

“Slow,” he whispered.

She blushed fiercely. For roughly a nanosecond, she thought about telling him to stop, but then his warm mouth returned to hers and he was urging her tongue back into his mouth with slow licks of his. She slowed down and mimicked the slow strokes of his tongue.

He groaned quietly. Other than his low whisper it was the first sound he had made since kissing her. It flamed the lust in her belly even higher. She had a feeling that the icy Dr. Connor MacMillan never lost control. The idea that kissing her could make that control slip, even a little, was deliciously intoxicating.

She arched her back and rubbed her abdomen against the hardness pressing into it. He was hard. He was hard for her, and that sent another flickering flame of excitement through her nerve endings. She rubbed her small breasts against him and wondered what she could do to get him to touch them. Her nipples were almost painfully hard and poking against her bra. A sudden vision of Connor sucking on them brought on a gush of liquid that soaked the crotch of her panties.

He pulled away abruptly, and she would have fallen in a boneless heap to the floor if he hadn’t steadied her. She stared dumbly at him before reaching up and touching her trembling, swollen lips.

“Why-why did you do that?” she whispered.

“If we’re posing as boyfriend and girlfriend, it’s going to require some physical touching and kissing,” he said.

She felt like she’d been through the wringer, but he wasn’t even out of breath. If it hadn’t been for the way his dick still strained at the front of his pants, she would have thought he was completely unaffected by the kiss between them.

“O-only when we’re around other people.” She couldn’t seem to stop stuttering or touching her swollen mouth.

He gave her an impatient look. “It won’t look very realistic if we kiss each other like it’s the first time we’ve ever kissed. And I wanted to see if we had chemistry.”

“Do we?” she asked like an idiot.

A brief smile crossed his face and it sent a weird little tingle down the base of her spine. “Yes. I think so, anyway.”

She didn’t reply and he patted her on the shoulder like she was his sister. “That’s a good thing, Kira. It will make it

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